North America: Disrupting the Financial Giants

North America: Disrupting the Financial Giants

Mitra Madanchian
Copyright: © 2024 |Pages: 16
DOI: 10.4018/979-8-3693-1561-3.ch009
(Individual Chapters)
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North America is an influential region that garners the interest of prominent financial institutions and industry frontrunners worldwide. This vast and heterogeneous continent, comprising the economic superpowers of Canada and the United States, has been at the forefront of financial innovation, fundamentally transforming our understanding of investments, money, and the financial sector itself. This chapter provides an in-depth analysis of the dynamic forces that are causing significant changes in the financial industry of the continent. This inquiry scrutinizes the present condition of affairs and illuminates the disruptive innovations that have started to pose a challenge to well-established financial behemoths. This chapter provides an overview of the continuous changes affecting the financial sector, from the integration of cutting-edge technologies to the constantly evolving rules and regulations. Furthermore, it analyzes forthcoming developments, uncovering potential scenarios and trends that will persistently impact the financial terrain of North America.
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North America is widely recognized as a dominant financial region, exerting substantial sway over the worldwide economic sphere. Fundamental to this concept are the economic powerhouses of the United States and Canada, whose institutions and financial markets have a significant impact on the course of global finance. The continent is home to a multifaceted and resilient economy, distinguished by advancements in technology, innovation, and an intricate web of financial institutions (Pramanik, Kirtania, & Pani, 2019).

The financial and economic environment of North America is changing dramatically; the continent is only now beginning to integrate economically, and at this point, it is only integrating in specific areas like commerce and investment (Reyes, 1999). The United States and Canada have become increasingly dependent on each other economically as a result of the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) of 1994, and Mexico has also started to integrate its economy with the United States more deeply. As a result, a robust economic bloc that is almost as integrated as the European Union has emerged, and NAFTA's economic integration is expanding more quickly (Rugman, 2004). North America's smaller countries stand to benefit most from these opportunities, but there are necessary conditions to boost investment, increase production, and make it easier for workers to find gainful employment (Horton, 1979).

The financial industry is experiencing a rapid acceleration of technological development, with huge technology corporations and innovative start-ups posing a threat to established players in the market (Rugman, 2004). The integration process in North America has sparked debate about whether it can accomplish more than just trade and investment, taking into account structural elements such as national identities, cultural distinctions, nation-building experiences, internal strife, and homogenization (Reyes, 1999).

Collectively, these countries propel financial services innovation, consistently challenging the limits of conventional banking. The financial ecosystem in North America is distinguished by a dynamic interaction among well-established financial behemoths, adaptable Fintech firms, and a regulatory structure that endeavors to strike a balance between stability and innovation. In addition to financial markets, North America serves as a fertile ground for innovation, fostering the development of groundbreaking financial solutions and technological advancements. Fintech centers in cities such as San Francisco and Toronto, along with Silicon Valley, contribute significantly to the advancement of financial technology on the continent. This, in turn, impacts global trends. The importance of North America is reflected in the actions and strategies of its preeminent financial institutions and corporations, which have an impact on international finance.

This chapter provides an exhaustive examination of the transformative forces that are influencing the financial sector in North America. It commences with a comprehensive outline of the present condition before exploring technological disruptions, regulatory intricacies, and evolving consumer patterns. Using case studies, this article illustrates how established financial behemoths are being challenged by disruptive innovators. With an eye toward the future, the chapter examines potential scenarios and trends, offering valuable perspectives on the dynamic financial sector of North America. The objective is to provide readers with a succinct yet perceptive comprehension of the obstacles and prospects associated with the continuous metamorphosis of prominent financial institutions in the area.

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