Next-Generation Teacher Competencies: Competency Balance Scorecard, Competency Development Cycle and Strategies

Next-Generation Teacher Competencies: Competency Balance Scorecard, Competency Development Cycle and Strategies

Copyright: © 2022 |Pages: 20
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-7998-9542-8.ch014
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The chapter examines next-generation teacher competencies based on a research study that involved a national level consultative workshop for teachers. Data was obtained from 120 workshop participants through crowd-sourcing data collection technique. As a part of qualitative data, focus group discussion (FGD) with 15 senior high-school teachers selected through snowball-sampling technique was also conducted. The study revealed a diagnostic competency balance scorecard to measure competency levels of teachers, proposed a competency development cycle, and suggested strategies to develop next-generation teacher competencies.
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Review Of Literature

Brun and Hinostroza (2014) had conducted a study on learning to become teachers in the 21st century: Information and communication technology (ICT) integration in Chile’s 46 teacher education colleges, findings showed a favorable context for ICT pedagogies but integration is limited to computers and projectors and mostly applied to perform traditional pedagogical activities. Michelle (2014) conducted a study on teaching to the technological demands of the 21st-century classroom at Butler University. Study reveals that, learners of the 21st century need to collaborate, problem solve, critically think, and synthesize various sources of information. Simultaneously, teachers and learners are expected to utilize rapidly evolving digital technologies as tools to make teaching and learning more effective.

Study conducted by Siu Cheung (2014) on E-learning in school education in the coming 10 years for developing 21st century skills: Critical Research Issues and Policy Implications, mentions that, one of the curriculum goals of e-learning in school education is to develop learners for 21st century skills through their daily learning activities.

Corrine Marie (2015) developed a tech-integrated curriculum for kindergarten students with 21st century skills, which included creativity, collaboration, and information fluency. Mabaso (2017) conducted a study on twenty-first century skills development in rural school learners. Study revealed that, connected learning approach supports developing 21st century skills among rural learners. Yousef et. al. (2020) in their study on e-learning and ICT in education at Palestinian schools; towards 21st century skills revealed that, teachers need practice and training to implement 21st century skills in their classroom and further found that schools need infrastructure, supportive school culture, ICT skills, and curriculum change. Avrakotos (2020) conducted a study on the integration of ICT to enhance 21st century skills in schools. Study reveals that, even though teachers are aware of 21st century skills but their teaching is merely to replace traditional method than teaching 21st century skills. Glinel (2020) conducted a integrative literature review on teaching 21st century skills, study found that, communication, collaboration, problem-solving, and critical thinking as major skills of 21st century. It finds that, student-centered activities, technology integration, social media, and web 2.0 tools represents learning environment of 21st century. Study clearly identifies the need to define these terms operationally to bring common understanding on its usage.

Key Terms in this Chapter

21st Century Skills: It refer to the knowledge, life skills, career skills, habits, and traits that are critically important to student success in today's world, particularly as students move on to college, the workforce, and adult life.

Competency: It is the ability to do something successfully or efficiently.

Next Generation Teacher Competency: It is the ability to execute teacher job successfully or efficiently by a teacher in the 21 st century.

Next Generation Teacher Competence: Next generation competence is possessing skills, knowledge, attitudes, and abilities to execute the job required successfully in the given context, and incorporates dispositions, pedagogical attributes, perspectives, and practices by a teacher of the 21 st century.

Teacher: Teacher is a qualified professional working in a school to teach students to acquire knowledge, competence, or virtue.

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