New Public Administration Understanding and Reform Effects as Products of Neolibal Management Concept

New Public Administration Understanding and Reform Effects as Products of Neolibal Management Concept

Eray Acar
Copyright: © 2020 |Pages: 24
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-7998-0333-1.ch008
(Individual Chapters)
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Globalization has been a process that has deeply and continuously influenced societies and states in the late period of historical development. With neoliberalism, the ideological thought system of the process, all social organizations, especially state apparatus and public administrations, are affected by this process and continue to be affected. This transformation process, supported by its international organizations, has led to the preparation and implementation of reforms in order to adopt a new approach to public administration. This change in public administration has affected both public service understanding and public service delivery. It is a process that aims to provide the citizens/customers satisfaction by offering a faster, more efficient, and high-quality public service along with the new public management understanding. Current practices are questioned and improvements are tried.
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In 1933, Elton Mayo's The Human Problems of Industrial Civilization reform, published by Herbert A. Simon on reform Administrative Behavior, and Dwight Waldo's Administrative The Administrative State published in 1948 is the first scientific source in the field. These works are published by Woodrow Wilson of the USA in 1887 at the end of the 19th century with an article titled Study The Study of Administration G (Güler, 2003, p 533; Ergun, 2004, p 341; Eryılmaz, 2010, p 12). by questioning the classical management theories in which public administration has developed as an academic discipline, they emphasized the instrumental aspect of productivity, pluralism and participation in public administration. In addition, these theorists have been effective in the development of American pragmatism and this effect has re-emerged in the discourse, discussion and application level in public administration discipline after 1980s (Şener, 2005, p 2; Yalçın, 2010, pp 282-284). Therefore, in terms of the development of public administration, these theories emphasized the human (socio-psychological) -behavioral aspect of organizations and highlighted the notion of intra-organizational participation in the development of productivity (Simon et al., 1985, p 17). This notion then had a major impact on the development of theories of public administration by addressing different aspects (productivity, participation, democracy). Subsequently, the foundations of the theories of public administration in terms of social participation and pluralism (Şener, 2005, p 2), and therefore in terms of postmodern philosophy, were published in the 1968 “New School of Public Administration” (Thompson, 1972, p 620; Lamidi, 2015, p 21). It can be said that it was based on different approaches such as Democratic Administration which was analyzed by Vincent Ostrom in the past. In addition, in 1983, American academics, James Perry and Kenneth Kraemer, announced the emergence of the science of public business with their books “Public Management: Public and Private Perspective”.

Key Terms in this Chapter

Postfordism: The abandonment of the mass production of very large quantities of similar products, and the introduction of a flexible production line model that is able to adapt to sudden changes in demand with a small number of different types of production.

The New Right Approach: The understanding of liberalism as a synthesis of market economy and limited state principles and conservatism's emphasis on social values.

New Public Management: Privatization and alternative services through the presentation methods, the role of the state conception.

Fordism: The production system that Henry Ford pioneered, including the introduction of the production line.

Welfare State: Providing people a comfortable, healthy and safe life state.

Governance: The mutual dialogue of these processes by involving relevant stakeholders in decision-making and implementation processes. and in a pluralistic way.

Deregulation: The state of reducing or abolishing state restrictions in a particular business or segment.

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