New Marketing Approaches and Consumer Trends in Line With Technological Developments

New Marketing Approaches and Consumer Trends in Line With Technological Developments

Aylin Atasoy, Murat Basal
Copyright: © 2024 |Pages: 26
DOI: 10.4018/979-8-3693-1594-1.ch005
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Today, it is clear that brands that want to provide consumers with useful and helpful experiences must use information and technology to positively influence the future process. In the digital age, masses of data about consumers, products and services are coming from many channels. This big data is now being used for customers who expect to be special, through personalization-based marketing approaches such as phygital, data-based and content marketing. Also, data-driven, predictive, contextual, augmented and agile marketing approaches as components of Marketing 5.0 are new marketing trends that increase the performance of brands and their competitiveness in the market. These new technology-enabled marketing trends include augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR), chatbots and digital assistants, influencer marketing, video marketing, location-based marketing, machine learning and artificial intelligence, and content marketing.
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The change in production relations with the Industrial Revolution led to many changes and transformations in the world, not only economically, but also socially, culturally and politically. In the age we live in, we are experiencing revolutionary changes thanks to the Internet. In simple terms, there has been an acceleration of everything in our lives because of the Internet. We live, produce, communicate, make choices and decisions faster, and inevitably consume faster.

In today's fast-changing, dynamic marketplace, brands and companies must work harder to stay relevant. Marketing, as one of the main functions of companies, needs to innovate in line with technological developments. In order to maintain their market share, companies must carefully address the changing profiles of consumers and their needs and expectations. Today's consumers no longer make choices along a linear path. They are more likely to move between physical and digital channels. They also want to access products and services through more differentiated, personalized and tailored experiences. However, protecting their personal information and preventing it from being compromised are also among their priorities. The fact that every step they take in the digital environment is recorded as data by brands and companies is perhaps the most negative aspect of digitization for customers.

Today, customers are also aware of their power over brands. They feel that they are the driving and influencing force in their relationship. In the Edelman Trust Barometer Special Report 2021, 63% of customers say they believe they have the power to force brands to change (Edelman, 2021, p. 15). On the other hand, the increasing and diversifying number of channels is at a critical juncture in terms of customer trust in brands (Edelman, 2021, p. 7). Especially brands that try to position themselves as love brands should implement marketing strategies that strengthen the feeling of trust before love in their customer relationships.

Marketing budgets have fallen to record lows at a time when consumer expectations are at an all-time high. That's why fast-growing brands are moving beyond point solutions by rethinking their entire strategy around customer data and, in particular, the customer experience, taking a comprehensive view of everything (Deloitte Insights, 2022, p. 5).

Deloitte's report (Deloitte Insights, 2022), based on interviews with 1099 senior executives in five countries, highlights that marketing trends should have three key themes at their core. The first of these three themes is a uniquely inclusive marketing approach that focuses on people, not profit. The second is building infrastructure around data from a myriad of data sources and designing human-first data experiences to better understand the balance between people who find the use of their data useful or actually frightening. The third is the importance of designing dynamic customer experiences. Specifically, how brands can use key principles of human-centered design to create dynamic and cohesive experiences in both digital and in-person environments. By augmenting customer service with artificial intelligence, one of the most prominent digital technologies of recent times, timely recommendations and knowledgeable customer service will better assist customers in their purchase decisions. It is therefore necessary to see in practice how artificial intelligence can be integrated with human service and how best to bring the two together in the overall customer journey.

Price and quality have always been the primary determinants of consumer brand preference. Today, however, consumers are looking beyond what brands promise them, to how sensitive they are to the world's problems, or whether they are willing to take action to solve them, and their approach to sustainability. On the other hand, trust comes to the fore in how consumers want to engage with brands. In particular, the trust-based relationship that consumers establish with a brand is based on their sensitivity to the data they receive about their customers. Banking and finance stand out as areas where they need to pay attention to data security (Deloitte Insights, 2022, p. 12).

Key Terms in this Chapter

Phygital Marketing: Phygital marketing is a marketing approach that offers consumers a new consumption experience design by integrating experiences in physical and digital environments.

Marketing 5.0: Marketing 5.0 is considered as creating, delivering and enhancing value through the customer experience that is created by using these technologies and systems. The components of Marketing 5.0 are data driven, predictive, contextual, augmented and agile marketing approaches.

Mobile advertising: It is a multi-channel marketing strategy that helps marketers reach audiences via smartphones, tablets and other mobile devices. More consumers are using mobile devices. The use of mobile devices for activities other than communication is increasing.

Machine Learning: It is a field that enables a computer system to learn using data. It helps algorithms automatically learn from data in order to perform a specific task and provides these algorithms with analysis, prediction and decision-making capabilities.

Content Marketing: Content marketing can be defined as a management process by which a firm identifies, analyzes and satisfies customer demand to generate profit through the use of digital content distributed through electronic channels.

Influencer Marketing: It refers to the use of influencer marketing by businesses, brands and companies to market their products, services and promotional content through social media channels through social media influencers on the internet.

Metaverse: It is called a universe or environment created by the combination of many digital platforms and tools. These platforms and tools include social media, augmented reality, virtual reality, cryptocurrencies, and similar elements.

Artificial Intelligence: It is the ability of a computer or computer-controlled robot to perform tasks generally associated with intelligent beings, changing with the development of technology.

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