Navigating the Transformative Journey: AI's Progression in Business Applications

Navigating the Transformative Journey: AI's Progression in Business Applications

H. R. Swapna, S. Geetanjali, K. V. N. Lakshmi, Mukundan Appadurai Paramashivan, M. S. Nikhil, Pankaj Dadheech, Vikas Vyas
Copyright: © 2024 |Pages: 11
DOI: 10.4018/979-8-3693-3593-2.ch002
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This chapter employs a structured secondary research approach to comprehensively investigate the evolution of artificial intelligence (AI) in the context of business. It encompasses a rigorous literature review, data collection from reputable sources, and meticulous analysis. The study conducts comparative analyses across diverse industries, supplemented by real-world case studies, to illuminate the practical applications of AI. Additionally, the chapter explores ethical considerations and regulatory frameworks, synthesizing findings to address gaps in the existing literature. The research adheres to ethical guidelines and presents its insights in a clear and organized manner.
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This chapter employs a structured secondary research approach to comprehensively investigate the evolution of Artificial Intelligence (AI) (Boopathi, S. et al.,2023) in the context of business. It encompasses a rigorous literature review, data collection from reputable sources (Singh, J. et al.,2023), and meticulous analysis. The study conducts comparative analyses across diverse industries, supplemented by real-world case studies, to illuminate the practical applications of AI. Additionally, the paper explores ethical considerations and regulatory frameworks, synthesizing findings to address gaps in the existing literature. The research adheres to ethical guidelines and presents its insights in a clear and organized manner.

The concept of this paper unfolds the remarkable journey of AI from theoretical inception to its profound impact on modern business. It traces historical milestones, technological breakthroughs, and AI's far-reaching influence across sectors like finance, healthcare (David, S. et al.,2023), marketing, and manufacturing. Ethical concerns and regulatory landscapes surrounding AI adoption are critically examined, emphasizing responsible AI development. Furthermore, the evolving relationship between human workers and AI is explored, highlighting AI's potential to augment human capabilities (B. Muniandi et al.,2019).

In conclusion, this study equips businesses with valuable insights to make informed decisions, allocate resources effectively, and align AI strategies with long-term objectives. As AI continues to shape the future of business, understanding its trajectory from theory to practice is imperative for organizations aiming to harness its transformative potential while navigating the associated challenges and opportunities.

In an era characterized by relentless technological advancements, few innovations have stirred the realms of business and industry as profoundly as Artificial Intelligence (AI) (Pandey, D. et al.,2021). This transformative journey of AI in the context of business applications is a captivating narrative that has captivated the attention of entrepreneurs, industry leaders, researchers, and policymakers alike. From its early theoretical foundations to its ubiquitous presence in our daily lives, AI's progression has been marked by astonishing leaps in innovation and the reshaping of traditional paradigms across various sectors. The overarching theme of this exploration centers on the dynamic evolution of AI, examining its emergence from the theoretical realm into practical, real-world applications, and its consequential impact on the way businesses operate and innovate.

As we embark on this intellectual journey, it is imperative to acknowledge the profound implications that AI carries for contemporary businesses. AI, at its core, is a multidisciplinary field that amalgamates computer science, machine learning, data analytics, and computational power (Bessant, Y. A. et al.,2023) to replicate human-like intelligence and decision-making capabilities within machines and software (Kirubasri, G. et al.,2022). The rapid evolution of AI technologies, driven by exponential growth in computational power and the availability of massive datasets, has ushered in a new era where businesses are harnessing the potential of AI to gain a competitive edge, enhance customer experiences (Saxena, A. et al.,2021), streamline operations, and drive innovation.

This narrative delves into the various facets of AI's progression in business applications, illuminating its transformative journey. To comprehend this evolution, we must trace AI's origins and theoretical underpinnings, examining the intellectual milestones and pivotal moments that laid the groundwork for its ascent. We shall traverse the landscapes of machine learning, neural networks (Pandey, B. K., & Pandey, D., 2023), natural language processing, and deep learning (Anand, R. et al.,2023), uncovering how these technological advancements have shaped the contemporary AI ecosystem.

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