Navigating the Journey: Supporting Parents of Children With Special Needs

Navigating the Journey: Supporting Parents of Children With Special Needs

Copyright: © 2024 |Pages: 22
DOI: 10.4018/979-8-3693-1451-7.ch015
(Individual Chapters)
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This chapter provides frameworks to assist parents in understanding and maintaining a healthy mindset as they navigate the journey of having a child with a diagnosis. Employing a holistic approach, the authors emphasize the internal and external systems that influence child development and parenting dynamics. Readers are introduced to basic parenting practices and styles, acknowledging diverse perspectives in parenting approaches, cultural impacts, and evaluating their influence on a child's development. This chapter offers practical guidance for navigating educational supports through effective advocacy and collaboration with teachers and professionals, along with presenting hands-on strategies for teaching and supporting skill acquisition to empower parents in fostering their child's development. They conclude by recognizing the emotional impact on parents and highlight the importance of maintaining good mental health.
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Parenting involves the significant responsibility of nurturing and guiding another human being, requiring a continuous balancing act to manage various aspects of life while ensuring the child's well-being and development. This role is inherently challenging and demands considerable attention. When a child has a delay or disability, the already demanding task of parenting becomes even more challenging. Recent U.S. statistics show that around 17% of children aged 3 to 17 have developmental disabilities, affecting areas like physical, learning, language, or behavior. These conditions emerge during development and usually persist throughout a person's lifetime. (Center for Disease Control and Prevention, 2022). Raising a child with special needs is an ongoing journey involving adaptation, learning, and resilience for both the child and parents. This chapter provides information to support parents and clinicians navigating the complexities of life and education for children with learning and developmental disabilities, with a focus on promoting the well-being of the child and their parents.

Beginning at the moment of diagnosis, parents are thrusted into the emotional journey that necessitates acceptance and understanding, both of their child and their own abilities. Furthermore, in understanding development, it is vital to embrace a holistic approach, recognizing the interconnectivity among physical, emotional, social, and cognitive aspects. Additionally, acknowledging the impact of parenting and broader social structures, encompassing policy and culture, is essential. This involves conducting a comprehensive analysis of the child's complete profile, taking into account external influences. Through this comprehensive evaluation, a nuanced understanding of the child's development and overall well-being can be obtained, allowing for tailored and effective support strategies to be implemented.

From fostering a supportive home environment to facilitating effective communication with educators and healthcare professionals, we aim to equip parents with the tools necessary to create a nurturing and inclusive space for their child's development as well as to promote the personal well-being of parents. Resilience is highlighted, recognizing strength in challenges and explaining advocacy as a powerful tool for securing appropriate resources needed for successful holistic development. In conclusion, we envision a future where diverse needs are embraced, and every child thrives in a supportive community.

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