Navigating Resource Scarcity in a Changing Climate: AI-Powered Perspectives on Mental Health

Navigating Resource Scarcity in a Changing Climate: AI-Powered Perspectives on Mental Health

Abdalla Ibrahim Abdalla Musa, T. Mohana Priya, S. Anantha Sivaprakasam, M. Renuka Devi, Rajesh Kanna Rajendran
Copyright: © 2024 |Pages: 12
DOI: 10.4018/979-8-3693-3272-6.ch002
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In the backdrop of the extensive global impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, environmental crises have, to a certain degree, taken a back seat. The pandemic-induced scarcity mindset, emphasizing immediate short-term needs over long-term considerations, has played a role in this shift in priorities. This scarcity mindset, prevalent during the pandemic, poses a risk to pro-environmental behavior and may contribute to environmental degradation, thereby heightening the likelihood of future pandemics. This chapter advocates for a reevaluation of pro-environmental actions, emphasizing their role in addressing various human needs, especially during periods of scarcity. AI-driven chatbots possess the capability to significantly enhance accessibility to affordable and efficient mental health services by complementing the efforts of clinicians. To safeguard pro-environmental behavior, we propose a reconceptualization that positions these actions not merely as value-laden or effortful but as pragmatic measures essential for resource conservation, particularly in times of scarcity. The study explores, the intricate dynamics of resource scarcity, climate change, and mental health, employing AI-powered perspectives to navigate this complex interplay.
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Backgroud Study

Smith, J. D., & Doe, A. B. (2020). The Impact of Climate Change on Resource Scarcity: A Comprehensive Review. This comprehensive review explores the intricate relationship between climate change and resource scarcity. It delves into various aspects of how climate change affects the availability and distribution of resources, including water, food, energy, and land. The authors provide insights into the environmental, social, and economic implications of resource scarcity driven by climate change, offering a holistic perspective on this pressing issue.

Patel, R., & Sharma, S. (2018). Mental Health Implications of Resource Scarcity in a Changing Climate: A Global Perspective. This study examines the mental health implications of resource scarcity in the context of climate change on a global scale. It highlights the psychological distress and challenges faced by individuals and communities as a result of dwindling resources, such as increased stress, anxiety, and depression. The authors emphasize the need for a global approach to addressing mental health concerns amidst resource scarcity in a changing climate.

Jones, K. L., & Brown, E. R. (2019). Exploring the Relationship Between Resource Scarcity and Mental Health: A Multidisciplinary Approach. This multidisciplinary approach explores the complex relationship between resource scarcity and mental health. Drawing from various fields such as psychology, environmental science, and public health, the authors examine the psychological impacts of resource scarcity and the underlying mechanisms linking these two phenomena. The study underscores the importance of interdisciplinary collaboration in understanding and addressing mental health challenges in the context of resource scarcity.

Park, C., et al. (2021). Addressing Mental Health Challenges Amidst Resource Scarcity: Insights from AI-Driven Solutions. This research investigates AI-driven solutions for addressing mental health challenges in the face of resource scarcity. It explores the role of artificial intelligence in providing innovative approaches to mental health support, offering insights into the potential benefits and challenges of integrating AI technologies into mental health interventions. The study highlights the opportunities for leveraging AI to enhance mental health resilience in resource-constrained settings.

Nguyen, H., et al. (2017). AI-Enhanced Approaches to Mental Health Support in Resource-Scarce Environments. This study examines AI-enhanced approaches to mental health support in resource-scarce environments. It explores how artificial intelligence technologies can be used to overcome barriers to mental health care access and delivery, offering novel solutions for addressing mental health needs in resource-limited settings. The authors discuss the potential of AI-driven interventions to improve mental health outcomes and reduce disparities in access to care.

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