Navigating Parenting Challenges: Supporting Adolescents Struggling With Addiction in Achieving Educational Success and Well-Being

Navigating Parenting Challenges: Supporting Adolescents Struggling With Addiction in Achieving Educational Success and Well-Being

Copyright: © 2024 |Pages: 21
DOI: 10.4018/979-8-3693-1451-7.ch018
(Individual Chapters)
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A comprehensive and collaborative approach involving institutions, mental health professionals, parents, and educators is imperative in addressing adolescent addiction. Stakeholders make valuable contributions to the recovery process by engaging in coordinated treatment, fostering open communication, providing family counselling, addressing educational and emotional needs, and cultivating supportive environments. The collective endeavour promotes resilience, thereby guaranteeing immediate and enduring achievements. The convergence of shared responsibilities, ongoing support, and comprehension of the intricate nature of adolescent addiction generates a formidable catalyst for constructive transformation. The collective endeavour provides families and adolescents with optimism, restoration, and a more promising trajectory.
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A significant societal concern has arisen regarding the widespread increase in addiction to highly potent narcotics, such as methamphetamine, fentanyl, and Xylazine. This issue is especially prevalent among adolescents and young adults. The ramifications of substance abuse transcend immediate health hazards, permeating domains such as academic achievement and general welfare. Parental involvement assumes a critical and remarkably intricate nature amidst this formidable environment. A comprehensive examination of the complex relationship between addiction, education, and well-being requires a nuanced analysis of the parental dynamics at play (Nawi et al., 2021). The United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime's World Drug Report 2023 states that there have been notable developments in the field of teenage and young adult substance addiction in recent years. This progression includes a wide range of substances, from more conventional ones like alcohol and marijuana to more contemporary synthetic compounds like Kratom and synthetic cannabinoids (UN, 2023). There is concern about the overuse of prescription drugs such as stimulants and benzodiazepines. Even while alcohol is legal and widely accepted, there are still serious concerns for teenagers regarding its broad availability and generally underestimated hazards, which can negatively influence cognitive processes, academic performance, and general well-being (Monarque et al., 2023).

Similarly, marijuana has become more accessible to teenagers due to shifting perceptions and legalization in some areas, demanding candid conversations with parents about the drug's dangers and ability to undermine academic objectives (Solmi et al., 2023). Furthermore, abusing prescription drugs, such as stimulants and benzodiazepines, can result in addiction and severe health issues, underscoring the significance of parental supervision and instruction. The advent of synthetic cannabinoids and Kratom further complicates matters by requiring parents to educate their children about the risks associated with these substances and help them make wise decisions (Alzu'bi et al., 2024). Parental participation is crucial in helping teenagers navigate these obstacles by being open with them, having clear expectations, and offering support. It will help steer them away from substance addiction and toward academic success and general well-being (Lowthian, 2022). Parents are urged to seek professional support when needed to secure the best possible outcomes for their children. Vigilance, proactivity, and empathy are crucial in tackling substance-related difficulties. Various forms of addiction extend beyond substance abuse, encompassing behaviors like Internet addiction, social media addiction, tobacco addiction, excessive engagement in romantic relationships, gambling, and excessive video game usage (Knight, 2021). These behavioral addictions present distinct challenges, often affecting individuals' cognitive functions, emotional well-being, and overall quality of life. Parents play a vital role in recognizing and addressing these non-substance-related addictions, fostering healthy habits, promoting balanced lifestyles, and providing support to mitigate their adverse effects on adolescents' educational success and well-being. Understanding the prevalence and patterns of substance use among adolescents is crucial for developing effective prevention and intervention strategies, given that each substance presents distinct challenges and health risks. Social and environmental factors, including peer pressure, family dynamics, trauma, socioeconomic circumstances, and substance accessibility, exert significant influence on adolescent addiction (Hamidullah et al., 2020). Addressing these underlying causes is imperative in formulating comprehensive strategies for prevention and treatment.

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