Nanostructures as Tillings of Higher Dimension Spaces

Nanostructures as Tillings of Higher Dimension Spaces

DOI: 10.4018/978-1-7998-3784-8.ch009
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It is proved that clusters in the form of the polytopic prismahedrons have the necessary properties for partitioning the n-dimensional spaces of a face into a face, that is, they satisfy the conditions for solving the eighteenth Hilbert problem of the construction of n-dimensional spaces from congruent figures. Moreover, they create extended nanomaterials, in principle, of any size. General principles and an analytical method for constructing n-dimensional spaces with the help of polytopic prismahedrons are developed. On the example of specific types of the polytopic prismahedrons (tetrahedral prism, triangular prismahedron), the possibility of such constructions is analytically proved. It was found that neighboring polytopic prismahedrons in these constructions can have common geometric elements of any dimension less than n or do not have common elements.
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In Chapter 1, when studying intermetallic nanostructures, it was found that the space of intermetallic nanostructures has the highest dimension and the fundamental region of these nanostructures is the golden hyper-rombohedron whose dimension is greater than 3 (Zhizhin, 2014c; Zhizhin, 2015; Zhizhin & Diudea, 2016; Zhizhin, Khalaj, & Diudea, 2016). The golden hyper-rombohedron of intermetallic compounds forms a partition of higher - dimensional space. It is a type of nanocluster. Other types of intermetallic clusters were considered in Chapter 2. Various types of metal clusters with ligands were discussed in Chapters 3 - 6. All these clusters have the highest dimension. However, not all types of clusters of chemical compounds can serve as a fundamental area of ​​partitions of spaces of higher dimension, i.e. fill the space of the highest dimension by broadcasting, adjoining each other along whole faces. Only polytopes of the highest dimension, which are polytopic prismahedrons, possess such properties (Zhizhin, 2019). In particular, the golden hyper-rombohedron is a polytopic prismahedron. In the previous chapter, the process of formation of a polytopic prismahedron from any cluster of chemical compounds was considered. To do this, you need to multiply the original cluster as a convex closed polytope by a geometric element with a dimension other than zero. Continuing to multiply the cluster by various geometric elements, you can get clusters of larger size and so fill the space. However, at each step of increasing the size of the cluster, its dimension also increases. This is not a partition of space. At each step, multiplication changes the appearance of the cluster. This chapter discusses the partitioning of higher - dimensional spaces by polytopic prismahedrons, which can be obtained from clusters of chemical compounds, with the formation of nanomaterials.

The problem of completing space by polyhedrons is one of the fundamental problems of mathematics, which has long attracted the attention of scientists. In 1900, D. Hilbert formulated 23 mathematical problems that require solution (Hilbert, 1901). One of these problems (eighteenth) was devoted to this question. It was formulated as follows: “Construction of space from congruent polyhedrons”. This problem is especially complicated in the case of n -dimensional spaces (Delone, 1969), and up to the end it has not been solved to this day under these conditions. In 1961, Delone proved that if we require that polytopes in n - dimensional space be adjacent along entire (n - 1) faces, then for any n there are only finitely many topologically different partitions of space into polytopes. These partitions are called normal. Delone and Sandakova (1961) obtained a finite algorithm, in principle (according to the authors), which allows one to find all such partitions for a given n. In this case, the polytopes themselves (stereohedrons by the Delone terminus) of these partitions for a fixed n can be only of a finite number of topologically different types. However, unfortunately, the authors did not obtain concrete examples of normal partitions of higher - dimensional space into polytopes and the specific types of corresponding polytopes. The question of the existence of fundamental domains in n - dimensional space is quite nontrivial. The main definition of the fundamental domain it was formulated by Delone (1969). The fundamental domain of a group of motions is a set of points of space such that, firstly, all its points are not equivalent to each other with respect to the group of motions, and secondly, any point of space is equivalent to some point of this region relative to the group of motions. What kind of these fundamental areas for a space with a dimension greater than three remains is uncertain to this day. Here we must also keep in mind the existence of polytopes, whose congruential copies can fill a gapless space, but each of them is not a fundamental area (Reingard, 1928).

Key Terms in this Chapter

New Paradigm of Discrete n-Dimension World: The elementary cells of the translational filling of the n -dimensional space are the polytopic prismahedrons-the stereohedrons, of which Delone spoke, but he did not give a single concrete example of stereohedron. Polytopic prismahedrons, filling the n -dimensional space, as shown by direct construction, can have common elements in the entire range of dimensions up to the dimension of the facets, or do not have any common elements. In addition to the translational filling of the n -dimensional space, there is a hierarchical filling of the space, which is inextricably linked with the scaling process, that is, discrete scale change of the figure. Translational filling of space can be combined with hierarchical filling of space. In this case, in principle, in each point of space there is an asymptotic decrease or increase in the scale of the figure (as an expansion of the Universe from each of its points). Delone's provisions on an “empty” ball, the finite minimum and maximum distances between the points of a discrete system, are not used. Thus, Hilbert's problem acquires a completely new content.

Congruent Polyhedrons: Polyhedrons that are compatible with motion.

Tetrahedral Prism: The product of a tetrahedron by a segment.

Triangular Prismahedron: The product of a triangle by a triangle.

5-Simplex-Prism: The product of a 4-simplex by a segment.

Polytopic Prismahedron: The product of polytopes.

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