Nanomedicine: A New Frontier in Drug Delivery Systems

Nanomedicine: A New Frontier in Drug Delivery Systems

A. K. M. Shafiul Kadir, Pranav Kumar Prabhakar, Mohammad Ullah Shemanto, Ashik Sharfaraz, Soumik Tripura, Ety Akhter, Rabeya Akter Urmi, Joye Kundu, Tama Dutta
Copyright: © 2024 |Pages: 31
DOI: 10.4018/979-8-3693-4439-2.ch004
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The chapter explores the transformative potential of nanomedicine in revolutionizing drug delivery. Nanomedicine, combining nanotechnology and medicine, offers innovative solutions for healthcare. It delves into advancements enabling targeted and controlled release of therapeutics, improving treatment efficacy while reducing side effects. Beginning with an introduction to nanomedicine's applications, it discusses recent breakthroughs such as nanoparticle-based delivery systems and targeted therapy nanocarriers. Real-world case studies illustrate nanomedicine's efficacy across various diseases. Addressing challenges in translation to clinical practice, including safety and regulatory hurdles, it emphasizes collaborative efforts among stakeholders. Looking forward, ongoing research for safer and more efficient drug delivery systems is highlighted, stressing the need for continued innovation. The chapter aligns with the book's theme of showcasing cutting-edge biomedical developments to improve healthcare.
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Nanomedicine is defined as the application of nanotechnology regarding the field of medicine which has the aim to detect, diagnose, treat, and prevent diseases at cellular level using nanoscale material. It significantly encompasses with the development, design and utilization of nanoscale structures and practices for therapeutic justification (Satalkar et al., 2016; Webster, 2006). However, the intersection of nanomedicine is associated with numerous areas of healthcare system such as drug delivery system, biomedical imaging and regenerative medicine, personalized medicine, therapeutic and diagnostic. Needless to say, it helps to pave the way for more specified, efficient, and effective therapeutic delivery (Ho et al., 2015; Surendiran, 2009). Nanomedicine are being performed plethora of sophisticated application in health care system. For instance, this system can act as a vehicle for the drug transportation to a specific cell and organ and can improve drug efficacy. It can also enhance diagnostic accuracy and sensitivity by detecting biomarkers or abnormality in prodigious scale, allowing early diseases detection. The other remarkable feature is that it plays a pivotal role in the treatment of carcinoma. Leaving apart, in the area of regenerative medicine nanomaterial-based scaffold system can mimic body's natural microenvironment and functional unit to promote cell growth and tissue repair. Furthermore, nanomedicine implication is also seen in vaccine improvement, delivery as well as in innovative immunotherapies. It also helps to control infectious diseases management too. Additionally, it has an efficient contribution in wound healing and offers potential treatment for neurological disorders (Gupta et al., 2021; Nel, 2020; Saha, 2009).

Therapeutics has drawn the greatest attention among the many uses of nanotechnology in medicine, creating the impression that the primary goal of nanomedicine is to reduce toxicity and improve treatment efficacy by controlling drug biodistribution through the use of therapeutic or imaging nanoparticles (Nel, 2020). One of the top goals for the upcoming generation of nanotherapeutics in drug delivery is to develop precise and highly effective medications that accumulate in lesions rather than in healthy non-target tissues (Gupta et al., 2021).

Figure 1.

Role of nanomedicine in drug delivery system are listed below (Man & Lammers, 2018; Ochekpe et al., 2009; Suri et al., 2007; van der Meel et al., 2019)


If anyone asks why nanomedicine is discussed for drug delivery system? Then the importance of the drug delivery system in medicine must be mentioned. In medicine, drug delivery systems play a critical role in transforming the efficacy and security of therapeutic interventions. These systems are essential for maximizing the pharmacokinetics of drugs, guaranteeing controlled release, and enabling targeted delivery to particular bodily locations. Drug delivery systems increase patient compliance and treatment results by lowering side effects and increasing drug efficacy. Drugs can be affixed to the surface of the particle or integrated into the particle matrix for therapeutic purposes. It should be possible for a drug targeting system to regulate how a drug enters the biological environment (Suri et al., 2007). They enable the development of personalized medicine approaches, tailoring treatments to individual patient characteristics and disease profiles. Overcoming biological barriers and facilitating the delivery of complex biologics and gene therapies, drug delivery systems are instrumental in addressing the challenges associated with conventional drug administration.

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