Multitasking CMC to Study Connected Organizations

Multitasking CMC to Study Connected Organizations

J. Patrick Biddix
Copyright: © 2008 |Pages: 16
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-59904-863-5.ch024
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The rapid diffusion of computer mediated communication (CMC) is redefining how individuals relate in contemporary ‘networked’ organizations. This chapter discusses the utility of pairing two forms of digital data collection, network analysis and electronic interviewing, to explore the structure and meaning of communication at the individual and organization level. Research methods are reviewed independently, and then presented together for consideration as a mixed approach. To demonstrate utility and challenge, a structural analysis of hyperlinks among college student group Web sites is paired with electronically conducted interviews. Howard’s (2002) network ethnography is discussed as a conceptual framework. Unique challenges and suggested ways of overcoming them are also presented.

Key Terms in this Chapter

Multitasking CMC: Integrating CMC for data collection, analysis, and/or interpretation in mixed method research designs

Hyperlink Network Analysis: A form of social network analysis that examines the links between Web sites to approximate relationships.

Instant Messaging (IM): A quasi-synchronous form of electronic text messaging that allows individuals to communicate online in one-on-one or in group settings.

E-Interview: A qualitative research method utilizing an electronic form of communication (CMC) to pose research questions to informants.

E-Interview: A qualitative research method utilizing an electronic form of communication (CMC) to pose research questions to informants.

Social Network Analysis: The measure of relations between and among actors (people, computers, groups, organizations, etc.) to approximate the flow of information or resources.

Network Ethnography: Pairing social network analysis with a qualitative research method to discover meaning and impact in network data; also used as a triangulation strategy for network analysis.

Instant Messaging (IM): A quasi-synchronous form of electronic text messaging that allows individuals to communicate online in one-on-one or in group settings.

Hyperlink Network Analysis: A form of social network analysis that examines the links between Web sites to approximate relationships.

Network Ethnography: Pairing social network analysis with a qualitative research method to discover meaning and impact in network data; also used as a triangulation strategy for network analysis.

Hypermedia Organizations: Groups that use various forms of CMC to carry out their missions and activities over large areas and in different time zones.

Mixed Methods Design: Design strategies using two or more research methods; generally defined as a pragmatic, pluralistic approach to answering a research question.

Hypermedia Organizations: Groups that use various forms of CMC to carry out their missions and activities over large areas and in different time zones.

Mixed Methods Design: Design strategies using two or more research methods; generally defined as a pragmatic, pluralistic approach to answering a research question.

Multitasking CMC: Integrating CMC for data collection, analysis, and/or interpretation in mixed method research designs

Social Network Analysis: The measure of relations between and among actors (people, computers, groups, organizations, etc.) to approximate the flow of information or resources.

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