Multifunctional and Multistandard Compact Antenna Design Using Hybridization of Fractals and Artificial Neural Network

Multifunctional and Multistandard Compact Antenna Design Using Hybridization of Fractals and Artificial Neural Network

Manpreet Kaur
Copyright: © 2024 |Pages: 20
DOI: 10.4018/979-8-3693-5276-2.ch002
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Specified wireless communication techniques and tools are employed to transfer useful information among multiple users. This chapter reveals a comprehensive analysis of a unique multi-standard hybrid fractal antenna designed by exploiting the advantages of distinct fractal geometries. In this work, a novel hybrid fractal design is produced by iterating two specific fractal patterns consecutively. One pattern is applied at the boundary of the structure, and the other pattern is applied at the inner portion. The designed structure exhibits an area of 32 x 32 mm2. On the back-side, a reduced ground plane of area 15 x 32 mm2 is placed. Based on few geometric parameters, FR4 epoxy material is selected. The design evolution of the sophisticated structure is revealed step by step in the chapter. The geometrical construction of a resultant antenna begins with a square patch of sidelength 26 mm. Same procedure is followed further, and the suggested radiator adopts three iterations. The microstrip feed is located at the point that is computed using artificial neural network. Results demonstrate that the resonances appear at 10.68, 14.31, 17.34, 20.47, 24.26, and 28.65 GHz. At the respective resonances, the related S11 value is -18.03, -14.67, -22.86, -25.66, -54.10, and -13.36 dB. The reported -10 dB impedance bandwidth at the respective bands is 650, 2060, 6040, 2220, and 1300 MHz. The frequency points are precisely controlled. The achieved gain values are admirable. For better understanding, surface current distribution is also illustrated that describes radiation behavior of an antenna.
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1. Overview

Wireless communication is performed wirelessly, and incorporates multiple procedures for sharing target information between various devices (Sundaram, A., Maddela, M., and Ramadoss, R., 2007). This mode works through electromagnetic waves. The sending device broadcast these signals, whereas the receiving device captures these signals. In this way, wireless communication bridge is created between the communicating devices (Gupta, M., and Mathur, V., 2017). This mode of communication has undergone various technological innovations after its invention. It is ever continuing to progress today as it has wide-ranging specifications and applications (Bhatia, S. S., and Sivia, J. S., 2016). Research into this sector has advanced, mainly for military, industrial and household activities, disaster prevention, health, transportation, and soon. Nowadays, new systems are being developed that have resolved the security issues which are found in the traditional analog wireless systems (Mahatthanajatuphat, C., Saleekaw, S., and Akkaraekthalin, P., 2009). Compatibilty and operability are the desired parameters of wireless communication system. The important benefits of this mode are flexibility, mobility, and cost-effectiveness. Over time, the usage of fractal theory in electromagnetics and microwave circuits has evolved, with antenna designers discovering unique strategies to apply this design approach for better communication among multiple devices (Azari, 2011). Fractal antennas utilize fractals, which are mathematical constructs specified by exotic features such as self-similarity and scale invariance. Fractal is basically a recursively produced geometry that exhibits dimensions in fractional form, and is irregular in nature (Kaur, K., and Sivia, J. S., 2017). The scaling (up or down) is done indefinitely while preserving the essential features. Space-filling characteristic allows the creation of classic antennas with suitable miniaturization. Therefore, in the context of antennas, fractal structures have been emerged as a groundbreaking innovation, providing improved performance metrics such as minimal size, excessive frequency coverage and numerous operational bands (Kumar, R., Malathi, P., and Sawant, K., 2011). All these characteristics make fractal antennas ideal for multiple domains, including defense, telecommunication and Internet of Things. The trend of fractal antenna can be best understood by carefully scrutinizing all iterations involved in the design process (Gupta, A., Joshi, H. D., and Khanna, R., 2017). In this modern era, significant enhancement has been examined in the development of amalgamated fractal antennas. Hybrid fractal technology minimizes the antenna form factor, that offers greater design flexibility and better aesthetics (Lizzi & Oliveri, 2010). These features allow the fractal hybridized antenna designs to intrinsically provide high gain and better coverage (Vinoy & Pal, 2010).

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