Multiagent-Based Manufacturing: Foundations, Applications, and Future Directions

Multiagent-Based Manufacturing: Foundations, Applications, and Future Directions

Copyright: © 2024 |Pages: 19
DOI: 10.4018/979-8-3693-1702-0.ch014
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Multi-agent-based manufacturing (MABM) is a cutting-edge system that harnesses autonomous agents to boost modern production processes. By combining decentralization, adaptation, and cooperation MABM enables the rapid development of customized goods, shortened lead times, and minimized waste. The system effectively optimizes energy use and environmental impact, critical for succeeding in today's data-driven manufacturing world. It incorporates multiple agent kinds and coordination methodologies, delivering features such as autonomy, scalability, and decision-making in real-time. While MABM has found applications in many sectors, its greatest influence is envisaged in high-tech manufacturing, where it improves resource allocation, quality control, and supply chain management. Despite its advantages, MABM also has disadvantages, such as limited predictability and control. As the technology improves, it is poised to transform manufacturing, providing autonomous and flexible production, effective management of supply chains, and increased sustainability and regulatory compliance.
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2. Multiagent Based Manufacturing

Before understanding Multi-agent-based manufacturing we should first understand what is Agent technology, its classification, types, etc. After that, we can move to multi-agent-based manufacturing.

The recent decade’s research on organizational forms has gained headway in converging upon important effectiveness-centered approaches in the field of manufacturing(Sharma et al., 2017). Every industry is now aiming to increase the productivity and efficiency of manufacturing practices by utilizing the latest in-market technologies and innovative techniques to compete in the global market and to protect themselves from becoming obsolete. Digital technology is one such technology that has arrived in the market and plays an important role in the current industrial scenario. Agent-based technology has played a significant role in the implementation of successful digital manufacturing, considering its contribution towards increased efficiency and productivity(Sharma et al., 2017). Now we will go into further detail about agent technology.

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