Motivating Employees Through Continuous Professional Development and Training in the Retail Sector

Motivating Employees Through Continuous Professional Development and Training in the Retail Sector

Gurmeet Singh, Vipin Nadda, Sunil Saini, Waseem Akram
Copyright: © 2024 |Pages: 15
DOI: 10.4018/979-8-3693-1674-0.ch010
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Training and development could be a real motivating force for the company if they are provided in a well-organized manner. These activities could be considered as major strengths for HR management and can provide a firm base to the organizational objectives as it increases the individual's capacities. The major aim of this chapter is to get a better understanding of the benefits of training and continuous development in the retail sector. The major objective of this chapter is to contribute to making companies aware of the genuine benefits of training and continuous development. Further, the retail sector organizations can surely improve their training techniques and it will help them to adopt accurate teaching techniques. Different factors such as management, working conditions, reward system, teamwork, etc. can directly affect the performance of employees. It is significant for business to adopt various strategies through which they can continuously develop the performance of their employees.
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In the recent years many business houses has focused upon two most significant activities under the corporate world. These are training and development activities which are currently playing a very important role. Increasing level of competition is evident in every industry whether it is of manufacturing, services, retail, outsourcing etc (Marchington and Wilkinson, 2008). An employee whether operating at higher level or general level, requires training services at any time. It is a type of investment for the company which can offer them valuable returns and outcomes. It can well develop the employees towards long term career goals & objectives and also results in greater job satisfaction (Huemann, Keegan and Turner, 2007). Indeed, a more satisfied individual will work for longer period of time with the company. Training & development are adopted with the purpose of improving the performance of the employees. Employees are one of the most precious assets of the company. So every firm wants to make sure that their workers have the required talent and skill which can improve the productivity of their business (Kougias, Seremeti and Kalogeras, 2013). Requirement of training and development activities arises when company feels that their overall business performance is decreasing also affecting the profitability. It helps in eliminating the loopholes and gapes in the business. Employees feel motivated and inspired towards their work (Cattermole, Johnson, and Jackson, 2014). Here it is important for the company to handle these conditions carefully. Importance and need of training must be properly conveyed to a worker. He must not feel that these activities are undertaken because he is weak or fragile. This will definitely bring good results for them as well the business (Wilson and Western, 2001). One of the important things is that these two activities are very essential in a firm which is on the path of growth and development. Training is related with grasping the essential skill and abilities for a certain work. There is a objective behind it for instance understanding a process or operating a system (Berge and et. al., 2002).

Training and development are regarded as the vital function of human resource management. They are aimed at improving the performance of the individual and groups in organizational settings (Taylor, Murphy and Price, 2006). In a nutshell human resource training and development should be of nature that it designs all the resources with effective oiling making something that the business can take forward. If these types of activities are not appropriate then bureaucratic set up is the outcome which is a type of constrain to every people in the business (Skaggs and Youndt, 2004). Training is given to them in compliance with the goals and objectives of the business. It brings them on par with those confined targets. It also matches them with trends of the industry. Hence all these things will ensure effective performance from the workers (Boxall, 2003).

All the new employees can reach to the level of motivated & committed employees if they succeed in getting required training & learning (McBain, 2007). Unskilled workers become skilled when their potential and capabilities are enhanced in more effective manner through development approaches. Again, potential managers can become competent managers if they are given right kind of training & learning experiences. So, it can be derived that individuals at all level needs improvement is their working (Cattermole, Johnson and Jackson, 2014).

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