Moral and Ethical Scenarios for Educational Computer Games Based on the Robotic Futurology of Stanislaw Lem

Moral and Ethical Scenarios for Educational Computer Games Based on the Robotic Futurology of Stanislaw Lem

Tetiana Luhova
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-6684-4291-3.ch018
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The research aims to develop a method of creating moral and ethical scenarios for educational computer games based on stories from the cycle of robotic futurology by S. Lem. The result of the study revealed a correspondence between the directorial script and game design document; the critical components of Lem's story “Trurl's Machine” were formalized considering the moral and ethical conflicts of the plot; the authors created a map of the action scene, game mechanics, and UML based on the story “Trurl's Machine.” Considered the issues of transforming plots of classical literature into the game design of educational computer games with an emphasis on the development of the moral and ethical scenarios and the spiritual values formation in students, the rules of the “Mechanical Robots AlgorithmsAda Board Game” as a video game prototype have been rethought with pedagogical impact.
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Literary critics and philosophers have deeply studied the legacy of S. Lem. But game designers did not consider his work as the basis for game scenarios. There are all prerequisites for this.

Significant application base for game development and scenarios. MDA and DPE game development models are very well known. They are the methodological basis for computer games. Game development models are formal structures for creating and analyzing a computer game. These tools allow formalizing the creative process of designing and using games, breaking them down into components. The MDA model describes the game as a structured trinity of Mechanics (rules), Dynamics (impact timing and strategy), and Aesthetics (player’s emotional responses) components (Hunicke, LeBlanc, & Zubek, 2004). In learning, the DPE model is important - Design, Play, and Experience (Winn, 2009), because it shows not only the algorithm for creating a video game but also the behavior of the game system as a tutor, its educational impact on the student-player. There is a browser tool for designing and balancing game systems (Machinations, 2022). The theory of the longline film scripts (Burbidge, 2013), (Chou, 2015), and computer games ((Mitchell, 2012), (Trullenque, 2013) are developed, created templates (Johnson, 2019), (Gardner, 2010).

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