Modern Technological Innovation in Digital Wase Management

Modern Technological Innovation in Digital Wase Management

V. Vijayalakshmi, R. Radha, S. Sharanya
DOI: 10.4018/979-8-3693-1552-1.ch008
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As the rapid pace of technological advancement continues to propel society into the digital age, the surge in electronic waste (e-waste) poses significant challenges to environmental sustainability. This research explores modern technological innovations in digital waste management that contribute to the reduction, recycling, and responsible disposal of electronic devices. Special attention is given to advancements in recycling methods, the application of artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning (ML), deep learning (DL), robotics, and IoT in automated e-waste processing. The research investigates the utilization of exploring how materials can facilitate easier recycling and reduce the environmental impact of electronic devices. The research also explores the role of extended producer responsibility (EPR) in adapting to sustainable practices in product design, disposal, and recycling. This research contributes by offering an understanding of the tools, strategies, and policies that can contribute to a more sustainable volume of e-waste in our increasingly digitized world.
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E-waste poses a significant danger to human beings, animals, and even the environment due to its composition. Typically, e-waste contains materials such as metals, plastics, Cathode Ray Tubes (CRTs), circuit boards and printed cables. The precious metals such as platinum, gold, silver, and copper can be reclaimed through scientific processing of E-waste. However, the occurrence of hazardous substances including but not limited toarsenic, lead, copper, chrome, cadmium, barium, cobalt, brominated flame retardants, mercury, polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), nickel, selenium, lithium, and liquid crystal renders electronic waste (e-waste) highly perilous, particularly when subjected to crude dismantling methods and rudimentary processing techniques (Hindrise, 2023).

When electronic devices like Air Conditioners, Printers, Washing Machines, IPods, Medical apparatus, Televisions, Copiers, Servers, Cellular Phones, Transceivers, Fax Machines, Refrigerators, Battery Cells, Calculators, Compact Discs (CDs), Scanners, Monitors, Mainframes, and Computers become unfit for use, they contribute to the category of e-waste. Even in minute quantities, the occurrence of extremely toxic substances and heavyweight metals like lead, mercury, cadmium, and beryllium pose an important threat to the environment. Figure 1 clearly depicts the electronic waste materials.

Figure 1.

E-waste materials


E-waste, or electronic waste, emerges when electronic or electrical devices become obsolete or surpass their expiration dates. The swift pace of technological progress and the constant introduction of new electronic devices contribute to the frequent replacement of older models, resulting in a substantial surge in e-waste generation in India. The inclination of individuals to embrace newer models and trending technologies, coupled with the natural decline in product lifespan, exacerbates the challenge of managing E-waste in the nation. The effective methods of E-waste in country like India hinges on the active participation of consumers. Various initiatives, like Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR), Design for environment, and the technology platform promoting the 3Rs (Reduce, Reuse, Recycle), aim to create a circular economy by encouraging customers to responsibly discard of E-Waste, enhance rates of repurpose and recycling, and foster sustainable customer practices. While established nations accord high priority to the E-Waste management, the situation in emerging nations, including India, is complicated by attempts to directly adopt or replicate the systems of developed counterparts. This approach exacerbates challenges due to insufficient investment, a shortage of technically skilled human resources, inadequate framework, and the nonattendance of specific legislature addressing E-Waste. Furthermore, there is a lack of clarity regarding the functions and obligations of individuals and entities engaged in the management of electronic waste (Hindrise, 2023).


Impacts Of E-Waste On Environment And Human Health

Handling E-Waste is an extremely intricate task due to its complex structure, comprising multiple components, some of which harbor toxic substances. If not managed appropriately, improper recycling and disposal methods can have adverse effects on human health and the environment. Therefore, there is a very essential for suitable technology to handle and dispose of these types of chemicals. According to the Basel Convention, the E-Waste is classified as dangerous when it contains or is contaminated with substances such as mercury, lead, cadmium, polychlorinated biphenyls, and more. Wastes that include metal or insulation cables covered with plastics polluted by or comprising coal, cadmium, lead, Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), and tar are also designated as hazardous. Additionally, very precious metal ash collected from boards from printed circuit, glass waste from cathode-ray tubes, Liquid-Crystal Display (LCD) screens, and also some other activated glasses fall into the category of hazardous wastes(Ram Krishna, 2015). The following table 1 outlines the consequences of few of the primary dangerous components in e-waste:

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