Modern Leaders, Revolutionary Results: Steering Transformation in Today's World

Modern Leaders, Revolutionary Results: Steering Transformation in Today's World

Rasha Khalil Abdallah, Osama A. S. Ismail
DOI: 10.4018/979-8-3693-0880-6.ch010
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In every field, innovation remains pivotal, especially in the realm of education where it consistently refines the teaching and learning experience. This chapter delves into the profound influence and significance of innovation in reshaping educational facets. Emphasis is placed on the transformative leadership in education and its alignment with progressive and inventive cultures. The discourse highlights the capability of transformational leadership to foster professional growth and a spirit of teamwork. Evidence suggests that both educators and students thrive under transformational leadership, benefiting from its capacity to motivate, and instigate positive change. The chapter underscores the value of continuous learning and professional enhancement for transformational leaders, as it cultivates an enduring learning ethos, crucial for professional evolution. Furthermore, this chapter presents tactics that transformational leaders might employ to stimulate progress in the educational sector.
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Leadership refers to managerial decision making (Jandigulov et al., 2023). In education sector, the concept of transformational leadership is used in terms of leading through example. It inspires as well as nurtures future leaders to bring significant yet positive changes in individual and social systems. For example, a transformational school leader ensures that students not only reach their academic achievements but also to improve their learning journey. Similarly, transformational leader inspires the teachers and staff members to pursue as future leaders or role models for the purpose of facilitating improvements and innovations in education sector as education is now regarded as a strategically significant component of life (Abdallah & Alkhrabsheh, 2019).Teachers are able to learn and acquire new skills and knowledge (Abdallah, & Farhan, 2023). The main purpose of implementing transformational leadership in education is to do better for each student; hence this mindset creates as well as fosters innovation and creativity aspects in the schools and universities. With time, transformational school leaders adapt and innovate into new things that often leads to cultural shifts and updated technologies (Al Harbi, Alarifi & Mosbah, 2019).

Education sharpens the talent factor in individuals; hence transformational leaders always ensure to maintain continuous improvement and changes in the pedagogical aspects. Traditionally education leaders simply ask the employees to complete the assigned duties with expected compliance; however, focusing on transformational leadership inspires the leaders and principals to push the teachers and other educators towards innovation and creativity (Al-Husseini, El Beltagi & Moizer, 2021). On the other hand, transformational leaders assist school teachers and educators by helping them transcend their self-interests and self-centered values. Therefore, it helps the teachers to receive support from leaders which further builds vision for school’s future. The success of school is dependent on both student’s academic excellence and teacher’s professional growth; hence, transformational leadership plays crucial role in facilitating development in educational settings. In addition, like all sectors worldwide, the educational and academic domains are impacted by unforeseen crises. Yet, the nature and characteristics of these crises can vary. (Darawsheh et al,2023).

In the present chapter, the study describes the importance of transformational leadership in education sector and how it helps the leaders to embrace change and growth in educational areas. The need of innovation is also stated in the present chapter as that drives positive change in diversified educational areas specially as the UAE is home to more than 200 nationalities and the schools currently teach 16 different types of curricula (Abdallah & Alkaabi, 2023). Furthermore, the chapter examines the role of technology in leveraging innovative aspects in education. This pinpoints the fact that the use of technology is important for both teachers and students (Abdallah et al., 2023). Regarding this, the chapter also discusses the role of technological innovation in addressing potential challenges and considerations in educational setting. Moreover, the chapter demonstrates the significance of continuous learning and professional development for transformational leaders; hence, some strategies are discussed that promotes innovation and professional learning for leaders. Lastly, the chapter outlines how transformational leaders inspire change and promote growth in educational institutions through the power of innovation (Abdallah et al, 2023).

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