Modern-Day Healthcare With Cloud-Enhanced Robotics

Modern-Day Healthcare With Cloud-Enhanced Robotics

Copyright: © 2024 |Pages: 23
DOI: 10.4018/979-8-3693-1914-7.ch012
(Individual Chapters)
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Modern healthcare is undergoing a transformative evolution with the integration of cloud computing and robotics. This chapter delves into the convergence of these two technologies, defining and exploring the concept of cloud-enhanced robotics in healthcare. Through real-world case studies, the chapter highlights the wide array of applications for cloud-enhanced robotics, such as telemedicine, diagnostics, and data analytics, and how they are enhancing patient care. The benefits of cloud-enhanced robotics are manifold, including improved patient outcomes, enhanced precision, cost reduction, and increased access to expertise. This chapter explores both the advantages and challenges, offering insights into the potential future developments of cloud-enhanced robotics in healthcare.
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The field of healthcare has witnessed a remarkable evolution over the years, driven by technological advancements that continually redefine the way the present chapter delivers and receives medical care. In the 21st century, two pivotal technologies, cloud computing and robotics, have emerged as transformative forces in healthcare (Sultan, 2014). Cloud computing has revolutionized data management and accessibility, while robotics has enhanced precision and efficiency in various medical tasks. However, it is the fusion of these technologies, often referred to as cloud-enhanced robotics, that holds the potential to reshape the healthcare landscape in unprecedented ways (Dang et al., 2019).

The present chapter will explore the intricate relationship between cloud computing and robotics in the context of modern healthcare. We define cloud-enhanced robotics as the synergy between cloud-based data processing and storage capabilities and robotic systems, resulting in enhanced medical applications. This convergence allows healthcare providers to leverage the collective power of remote, intelligent, and connected systems to provide more efficient, accurate, and accessible care to patients.

The primary purpose of this chapter is to provide a comprehensive overview of the role of cloud-enhanced robotics in healthcare. We will delve into the historical context of robotics in medicine, elucidate the basics of cloud computing and its relevance to healthcare, and discuss the convergence of these technologies. By analyzing the myriad applications of cloud-enhanced robotics in healthcare, we aim to highlight its benefits, challenges, and implications for the healthcare industry.

The current exploration begins by understanding the historical development of robotics in healthcare and assessing its current applications. We then introduce cloud computing, detailing its fundamental principles and demonstrating its relevance within the healthcare sector. By examining the benefits of cloud computing in healthcare, we set the stage for the integration of robotics and cloud technologies.

Furthermore, the chapter will showcase the diverse applications of cloud-enhanced robotics, ranging from telemedicine and diagnostics to drug discovery, patient care, and data analytics. These applications represent the bridge between robotic precision and cloud-powered data analysis, leading to improved patient care and healthcare delivery.

The advantages of this synergy are numerous and far-reaching. Enhanced patient outcomes, precision, and cost-effectiveness are just a few of the benefits. We will substantiate these advantages with real-world case studies that underscore the transformative potential of cloud-enhanced robotics. Nonetheless, this promising convergence also poses a unique set of challenges. Privacy and security concerns, regulatory compliance issues, ethical dilemmas, and integration complexities are among the obstacles that healthcare providers and policymakers need to navigate.

Looking to the future, we will provide insights into the emerging technologies and trends within the field of cloud-enhanced robotics. These include potential breakthroughs and challenges that lie ahead, as well as the global adoption of this technology in both developed and developing countries. Through case studies, we will showcase how cloud-enhanced robotics is transforming healthcare on a global scale. In conclusion, this report aims to offer a comprehensive understanding of cloud-enhanced robotics in modern healthcare. It will serve as a valuable resource for healthcare professionals, policymakers, and researchers to make informed decisions, address challenges, and seize opportunities in the ever-evolving landscape of healthcare. The transformative potential of cloud-enhanced robotics is poised to shape the future of healthcare delivery and patient outcomes, and we must navigate this exciting frontier with insight and foresight.


2. Role Of Robotics In Modern Healthcare

The integration of robotics into modern healthcare has heralded a new era of medical practice and patient care. Robotics is no longer confined to manufacturing and industrial sectors; it has found a pivotal role in healthcare, offering innovative solutions that enhance precision, efficiency, and accessibility (Kim et al., 2016). Figure 1 shows Modern-day Cloud Enhanced Robotics in the healthcare sector. In this section, we will explore the historical perspective of robotics in healthcare, highlight its current applications, and elucidate the evolution of healthcare robotics.

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