Modeling Digital Healthcare Services Using NLP and IoT in Smart Cities

Modeling Digital Healthcare Services Using NLP and IoT in Smart Cities

Kalpana Verma
Copyright: © 2022 |Pages: 18
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-7998-7176-7.ch007
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Smart cities shall have computerized health services to help the treatment of health issues based on a centralized framework. These computerized healthcare services would involve the patient, medical support staff, and doctors. They would have voice recognition clinical staff management, smart health monitoring devices, smart medical reports, and smart medical treatment based on the internet of things (IoT) and natural language processing (NLP). This chapter shall describe the digital healthcare services in the context of NLP and IoT that would help in the improvement of quality of life for people living in smart cities. The authors shall discuss a possible case study on NLP and IoT in digital healthcare in the smart cities.
Chapter Preview

NLP is a subfield of semantics, software engineering, and artificial consciousness worried about the communications among PCs and human language, specifically how to program PCs to measure and break down a lot of regular language information. Difficulties in regular language handling often include discourse acknowledgment, characteristic language comprehension, and normal language age. Regular language preparation has its foundations during 1950. (Machinery, 1950)

As of now in 1950, Alan Turing distributed an article named “Processing Machinery and Intelligence” which modeled what is currently called the Turing test as a measure of insight, an assignment that includes the robotized translation and age of characteristic language, however at the time not verbalized as an issue separate from artificial reasoning. (Harnad, 2006)

IoT depicts the organization of physical articles—“things”— that are inserted with sensors, programming, and different advances to interface and trading information with different gadgets and frameworks over the web.

1.1 Introduction to the NLP and IoT

The meaning of the Internet of Things has developed because of the intermingling of different innovations, constant examination, AI, item sensors, and installed frameworks. Customary fields of installed frameworks, remote sensor organizations, control frameworks, mechanization (counting diseases and building medical computerization of records), and others all add to empowering the Internet of things.

In the healthcare services, IoT innovation is generally inseparable from items relating to the idea of the “savvy hospital”, including gadgets and apparatuses that help one or more normal biological systems, and can be controlled using gadgets related to that environment, for example, heart monitoring devices and keen blood pressure measuring devices. There are various genuine worries about threats in the development of IoT, particularly in the regions of protection and security, and therefore the industry and legislative moves to address these worries have started including the advancement of global principles.

Key Terms in this Chapter

PhD: It stands for Primary Health Devices. These devices are used in the treatment of patients in the smart healthcare system.

PCP: It stands for primary care physician. An individual takes care of general medicine.

WISE: It stands for Wearable IoT-cloud-baSed hEalth observing framework. It is a novel framework for constant monitoring of health.

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