Model of Entrepreneurial Inclusive Civil Culture: The Case of Parque Agroecológico de Zapopan

Model of Entrepreneurial Inclusive Civil Culture: The Case of Parque Agroecológico de Zapopan

José G. Vargas-Hernández
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-7998-7785-1.ch003
(Individual Chapters)
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This research aims to analyze the model of entrepreneurial inclusive civic culture created and developed in the Agro Ecological Park of Zapopan (PAZ). Based on the need to rescue vacant urban land use with the participation of residents residing in the surrounding colonies, social movements, civil society, and local government, they have designed and implemented actions to create PAZ (PEACE) as an area of green innovation. In addition to the cultivation of vegetables, vegetables, medicinal plants, and decoration under relations of cooperation, trust, and community support, the formation of social capital that sustains a culture of peace based on environmental sustainability activities. The results of the implementation of this project, born from bottom of the social and power structures, constitute a significant experience in the regeneration of public spaces and green areas that provides greater economic efficiency in terms of family income, a greater relevance of equity, inclusion and social justice, and improvement of environmental sustainability.
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The Zapopan Agroecological Park is located in “Cerrada Santa Laura” within Santa Margaritas colony in the municipality of Zapopan, State of Jalisco. The located zones will be defined within the municipality of Zapopan.

The population of Zapopan in 2015 according to Inter census Survey was 1,332,272 people; 48.8 percent of men and 51.2 percent of women.

Table 1.
Population of municipality of Zapopan in 2015

Source: (IIEG, 2016)

Comparing the estimated population in 2015 with the population in 2010 it can be perceived that the population increased 7.1 percent in five years. It is estimated that in 2020 this population will increase close to 1,414,972 habitants. Nowadays 689,327 millions, are men and 725,645 are women, representing 16.92 percent of the total population of Jalisco. In 2010 the municipality counted in total 234 localities.

The municipal head of Zapopan is the most populated locality with 1,142,483 people, representing 91.9% of the population, followed by San Francisco

Tesistán with 5.0%, “La Venta del Astillero” (Sale of the Shipyard) with 0.5%,

“Fraccionamiento Campestre Las Palomas” with 0.4% percent and “Nextipac” with 0.3% percent of the municipal total. (IIEG, 2016).

Most of the existing buildings have electricity, but only a few have access to piped water and drainage. The constructions are made with timber, concrete, bricks and adobe. The municipality offers public lighting services, markets, trails, parking lots, cemeteries, roads, public toilets, public security, traffic, parks, gardens and sports centers. Regarding basic services, 94.8% of the installed infrastructure has potable water, 96.9% of sewage and 98.9% of electric energy.

Most of the municipality of Zapopan (85.4%) has a semi-warm climate, half damp. The average annual temperature is 20.5 ° C, while the maximum and minimum average oscillates between 32.1 ° C and 8.4 ° C respectively. The climate of the municipality is temperate, semi-dry, with dry winters and dry springs. It is semi-warm with benign winter, it also has an average annual temperature of 23.5º C, and an average annual rainfall of 906.1 millimeters with rainfalls from June to October.

The lands of the municipality are mostly composed from rocks, basalt and tuff. The dominant soils have Eugic Regosol, Haplic Feozem and chromic Luvisol. The predominant soil is the Phaeozem (Feozem) with almost 50.6%, and it is presented in any type of land relief. It has a dark, soft, rich surface layer with organic matter and a lot of nutrients. Most of the land is only used for agricultural purposes.

The municipality also has three characteristic forms of reliefs. In a higher percentage the injured zones are formed by a height of 1,500 to 2,000 meters, following the flat and semi-flat areas. The main elevations of the municipality are: “Las Colinas de La Col” (2,200 masl), “El Tepopote” (1950 masl), “La Mesa del Burro” (1,700 masl), “El Tule” (2,050 masl), “El Chapulin” (2,000 masl) high (1,990 masl), “El Colli” (1,950 masl), “El Chato” (1,800 masl), “El Masahuate” (2,100 masl), and the Lobera with (1,900 masl).

The municipality of Zapopan registered the highest education levels in 2012 with 10.4 years as the average. Zapopan also has the lowest education gap (28.6%) and follows Guadalajara in concentration of the enrollment with 27.0% (Plan Estatal de Desarrollo Jalisco, 2013).

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