Mobile Education Mitigating the Heavy Magnitude of Illiteracy in India

Mobile Education Mitigating the Heavy Magnitude of Illiteracy in India

DOI: 10.4018/978-1-4666-8789-9.ch002
(Individual Chapters)
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This chapter introduces the concept of mobile learning as a means of portable learning. Through the use of mobile technology, citizens of the world will be able to access learning materials and information from anywhere and at any time. Learners will not have to wait for a certain time to learn or go to a certain place to learn. It presents the evolution of classroom learning to mobile learning. There has been made an effort to explore current perspectives of mobile learning. Approaches of m-learning suggest implication of mobile devices in the classroom. Pedagogical methods and instructional approaches of m-learning have also been explored in this chapter. Further, the authors make an attempt to give rational of mobile learning through various theories of m-learning. It suggests opportunities of mobile learning in the Indian scenario. Mobile learning can effectively support a wide range of activities for learners of all ages.
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Mobile technology, because of its personal nature, lends itself to a unique integration into the user’s life. Advances in technology during the past decade have created a worldwide boom in the sale of this kind of technology, permitting private individuals to enjoy personal, mobile wireless connectivity. The widespread ownership of mobile technology in the form of mobile phones, especially among young people, has created opportunities and challenges for educators.

All humans have the right to access learning materials and information to improve their quality of life regardless of where they live, their status, and their culture. Mobile learning, through the use of mobile technology, will allow citizens of the world to access learning materials and information from anywhere and at any time. Learners will not have to wait for a certain time to learn or go to a certain place to learn. With mobile learning, learners will be empowered since they can learn whenever and wherever they want. Also, learners do not have to learn what is prescribed to them. They can use the wireless mobile technology for formal and informal learning where they can access additional and personalized learning materials from the Internet or from the host organization. Peoples all over the world will want to access learning materials on their existing mobile devices

These opportunities are facilitated by the development of relevant technology platforms and tools, and their effective use to reach a desired outcome. An essential feature relevant to education is that mobile technology removes the limitations of time, space and connectivity that characterize the conventional classroom and other forms of teaching and learning. Because of this it offers the individual user the capacity and freedom to connect to remote information and other resources; enriching, personalizing and extending the learning environment.

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