Mobile Commerce Technologies and Management

Mobile Commerce Technologies and Management

Copyright: © 2017 |Pages: 22
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-5225-2469-4.ch012
(Individual Chapters)
List Price: $37.50
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This chapter reveals the prospect of mobile commerce (m-commerce); m-commerce and trust; m-commerce, privacy, and security issues; m-commerce adoption and technology acceptance model (TAM); and the significant perspectives on m-commerce. M-commerce is used for business transactions conducted by mobile phones for the promotional and financial activities using the wireless Internet connectivity. M-commerce is the important way to purchase the online items through online services. The main goal of m-commerce is to ensure that customers' shopping experience is well-suited to the smaller screen sizes that they can see on smartphones and tablets. Computer-mediated networks enable these transaction processes through electronic store searches and electronic point-of-sale capabilities. M-commerce brings the new possibility for businesses to sell and promote their products and services toward gaining improved productivity and business growth.
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Development in the number of the Internet and telecommunications users since the late 1990s has provided companies with new ways to conduct business and exchange information through the development of the e-commerce market (Charbaji, Rebeiz, & Sidani, 2010). M-commerce is the new trend in business transactions (Hu, 2009) and the Internet-enabled smartphones become very popular these days (Hu, Zuo, Kaabouch, & Chen, 2010). Products are recommended to users based on their browsing behavior on the new mobile channel as well as the consumption behavior of heavy users of existing channels, such as catalogs and the Internet (Liu & Liou, 2011). Consumers use smartphones in their shopping experiences, such as browsing for product information and consulting friends before buying online (Ozuem & Mulloo, 2016). When shopping with a virtual catalog, customers can select products which meet their requirement concerning price range (Pierre, 2009).

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