Mobile Commerce Adoption

Mobile Commerce Adoption

Husam AlFahl
Copyright: © 2019 |Pages: 15
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-5225-8455-1.ch010
(Individual Chapters)
List Price: $37.50
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Mobile commerce can be a great potential to generate new streams of revenue for many established and new businesses. The penetration rates for mobile phone subscriptions in many countries show that there are significant opportunities to invest in and introduce mobile commerce services in many of these markets. The aim of this chapter is to explore and identify the various factors that influence the intention to adopt mobile commerce in Saudi banks and telecoms. A number of these factors were included in this research as they are chosen from well-known theories and investigated in the current study within the mobile commerce context using principal component analysis technique. The findings of the research show that seven components can affect the intention to adopt mobile commerce in Saudi banks and telecoms. The three most significant components that can affect the intention to adopt mobile commerce services in Saudi banks and telecoms are performance expectancy, organizational readiness, and mobile commerce features and opportunities.
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Many gaps can be identified in the current mCommerce literature. For example, Okazaki (2005) suggested some insights for future research in the field of mCommerce; these include research comparing eCommerce and mCommerce, research about mobile-based social networks, and the development of research methodologies to study mCommerce. The literature presents a large number of studies in the field of technology adoption. Although mCommerce is still a relatively new technology in carrying out business processes, there are a significant number of articles about its adoption at the individual level. In addition, the number of these articles has noticeably grown in the past few years. On the other hand, there are a limited number of research-based studies about the adoption of mCommerce at the organizational level, with few conducted in the KSA.

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