Mobile-Assisted Language Learning: A Boon or a Bane for Pakistani ESL Learners?

Mobile-Assisted Language Learning: A Boon or a Bane for Pakistani ESL Learners?

Muhammad Mooneeb Ali
Copyright: © 2023 |Pages: 27
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-6684-5400-8.ch003
(Individual Chapters)
List Price: $37.50
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Learning in today's world is equipped with novel ways and techniques to make learners attracted towards learning. Mobile-assisted language learning (MALL) has been considered as a primary tool for enhancing the performance of learners. However, this phenomenon is missing in developing nations. This chapter, therefore, will attempt to investigate the efficacy of MALL on Pakistani English language learners. Data were collected from the population of 120 learners belonging to private institutes in Lahore, Punjab, Pakistan. Firstly, a pre-test was performed, and two groups were formed, which were equally divided into 60 learners (experimental and controlled). After that, a post-test was conducted, and performance of conventional group and MALL learners was compared. It was found that the experimental group showed significant variations in their performance as compared to conventional learners. Therefore, from the results, it can be concluded that MALL can be integrated and effectively utilized in a local context.
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English in Pakistan enjoys popularity and high status. It is a language of communication in almost all disciplines and areas (Ali et al., 2021). The western classrooms, are learner-centered and teacher is a mentor. Whereas, in eastern classrooms, the conventional strategies and teacher centered classrooms are practiced. The customary strategy generally centers upon repetition which is opposed to the development of information and ideas. Ali, Malik and Rehman (2016) expressed that the classes in Pakistan is dominated by teachers with conventional techniques for teaching English. The students work individually and there is no utilization of innovation for ESL learning and educating. Hardly any latest tool is utilized. Whereas the use of white or Blackboards are typically used in colleges, yet projectors are used in universities, but the utilization of innovative devices are primarily missing in schools, colleges and universities.

With the changing demands of learning contexts and communication for learning, the world has shifted from orthodox methods to newer ones involving communication, technology, interaction, collaboration and independence in learning (Renau, 2018). So, English learning and teaching is no longer related to the structure only but it is now the development of new concepts while adapting different contexts and learning styles to make new realities of teaching and learning. As the demand for learning is constantly changing, there is a strong need to change the approach and methods for teaching and learning with time as well (Attar & Chopra, 2010).

In South Asia, specifically in Pakistan the conventional mode of teaching and learning is a common practice. Particularly, in ESL learning situations, the learners are usually dependent upon teachers who are the central figure inside the classroom. Grammar Translation Method and Direct Method are the most common methods used for teaching English. There is no concept whatsoever to discuss, teach and learn outside the classroom. In Pakistan where English is the most important language of the country, the desire to learn English is quite strong in people, yet the customary methods of learning and teaching English have become least effective without meeting the objectives of the learners. The teachers are accustomed to customary ways which resultantly are affecting the learners’ efficiency regarding ESL learning. For teaching formal syllabus there is a dire need to introduce the latest methods dipped with technology and innovation so that the learner may be attracted towards studies. Induction of modern tools is common practice in the world and adaptation of this modern method may increase learners’ productivity. The inclusion of technological tools like mobile phones can make learners independent, agile and active participators in different language learning activities. It will also enhance collaboration among them and will improve their communication level with the teacher so that maximum learning outcomes can be achieved.

Key Terms in this Chapter

MALL: Mobile-assisted language learning.

ESL: English as second language.

CALL: Computerized-assisted language learning.

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