Mobile Apps in Bleisure Tourism: Enhancing Travel Experience, Work-Life Balance, and Destination Exploration

Mobile Apps in Bleisure Tourism: Enhancing Travel Experience, Work-Life Balance, and Destination Exploration

Copyright: © 2024 |Pages: 17
DOI: 10.4018/979-8-3693-6755-1.ch012
(Individual Chapters)
List Price: $37.50
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This study aims to achieve four primary objectives: first, to evaluate how mobile apps improve travel productivity and efficiency by streamlining logistics and simplifying planning for both business and leisure activities; second, to investigate how these apps support the integration of work and leisure by providing tools for remote work, task management, and peer communication; third, to explore how mobile apps enhance the quality and authenticity of bleisure experiences by helping travelers discover new places and immerse themselves in local culture; and finally, to construct a comprehensive framework for mobile apps in bleisure tourism for use by multiple stakeholders, including travelers, travel companies, the hospitality industry, employers, local tourism boards, and app developers. This study highlights the significance of mobile technology in optimizing the bleisure travel experience.
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