Mindfulness: Spiriting Effective Strategic Leadership and Management

Mindfulness: Spiriting Effective Strategic Leadership and Management

Nancy Kymn Harvin Rutigliano, Roger M. Samson, Alexandria S. Frye
Copyright: © 2017 |Pages: 10
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-5225-1049-9.ch033
(Individual Chapters)
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Mindfulness is a cognitive strategy that can be employed by leaders and managers to counteract the often negative and sometimes overwhelming factors of stress, including ever-flowing information, data, and demands for attention, decisions, and accountability. Scientific research has shown that mindfulness can heighten productivity, creativity and innovation, and overall effectiveness. Mindfulness practices can, over time, alter brain chemistry and produce changes in neural circuits, often leading to reductions in perceived stress, increases in empathy, and broader emotional and cultural intelligence through heightened perception. Utilizing the benefits of mindfulness can fuel strategic leadership and management as well as individual and organizational success.
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In a hyper-globalized market, competition is cut-throat (Trisoglio, 2012). Leaders and managers are called upon to be vigilant to threats to their businesses and organizations while, at the same time, searching for opportunities to profit and expand. Leaders and managers are called upon to manage a plethora of stakeholder relationships, initiatives, projects and processes as well as the needs of their followers. This tug-of-war of competing priorities on multiple fronts can be challenging at best, debilitating at worst, as the need to excel on all fronts remains a constant. (Roche, Haar, & Luthans, 2014). In recent years, new markets in developing countries have risen to compete against established markets, catapulting the status quo and customary systems into disarray and, at times, chaos. Technological advances, rapid-fire innovations, and one-the-money cost reductions are viewed as key to being successful in fast-changing global markets. Improving leadership acumen among employees at all levels is no longer a strategy for success to consider; it is vital even in times of intense cost-cutting (Anderson & Ackerman Anderson, 2001). Empirical evidence has shown that embracing and promoting mindfulness as a business practice can fuel effective strategic leadership and management, build morale, create a positive workplace culture, and heighten productivity, creativity and innovation (Reb, Narayanan, & Chaturvedi, 2014). Empirical evidence has shown that mindfulness can recharge individuals and expand their capacity as productive members of the organizations in which they work (Gardiner, 2012).

Key Terms in this Chapter

Mindfulness: Cognitive strategy to increase effectiveness.

Vipassana: Tradition of Buddhism which focuses on being in the present moment.

Schemas: Blindspots feeling of support or allegiance to an organization.

Meditation: One of many practices to increase mindfulness.

MBSR: Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction.

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