Migration and Refugees: Bibliometric Analysis of Turkish Academic Literature

Migration and Refugees: Bibliometric Analysis of Turkish Academic Literature

Copyright: © 2024 |Pages: 14
DOI: 10.4018/979-8-3693-3459-1.ch008
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In recent years, poverty, conflict, climate change, and many other factors have been the cause of mass displacement in countries around the world. As a result, the migration and displacement of people has become one of the most important problems in the world. This study is important because it analyses thesis on mass displacement according to different criteria. It contributes to the literature and sets an example for researchers who will work in this field. The main objective of this study is to conduct a bibliometric analysis of the dissertations published on the topic of “migration and refugee” by determining the development processes and characteristics of the dissertations published in all fields in Turkey between 2012 and 2023. For this purpose, the dissertations that were scanned and published by YÖKTez (National Dissertation Centre of the Council of Higher Education) in Turkey and that have the title, key word, abstract, and subject heading 'Migration and Refugees' were examined.
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Migration and refugees are two intertwined concepts that have become increasingly important in today's globalized world (Vrânceanu et al., 2022). As people move across borders in search of better opportunities or flee from conflicts and persecution, it is crucial to understand the complexities and challenges they face. Migration refers to the movement of people from one place to another, whether it is within a country or across borders.This movement can be voluntary, driven by factors such as economic opportunities or better living conditions, or involuntary, as a result of conflicts, persecution, ornatural disasters. Migration and refugees have become increasingly significant issues in our world today.

Migration and refugees have captured the attention of the international community as the world grapples with the implications of these movements. The issue of migration is a complex and multi-faceted one, encompassing economic, social, and political dimensions (Tsegay, 2023). As we delve into the intricacies of migration and its impact, it is crucial to understand the reasons behind people's decisions to leave their homes and seek better opportunities elsewhere.

Migration is no longer just a historical phenomenon; it is a contemporary reality that demands our attention and understanding (Scholten et al, 2022). The movement of people across borders has far-reaching implications for both sending and receiving countries, and it is vital to explore the various factors that drive individuals and families to undertake such journeys (Joly, 2000; Görlach, & Kuske, 2022; Ratha et al, 2011). In the contemporary context, the reasons for migration are diverse and interconnected. Economic factors, such as the pursuit of better employment opportunities or higher wages, often drive individuals to leave their home countries (Simpson, 2022). Additionally, political instability and conflict can force people to flee in search of safety and security (Williams & Pradhan, 2008). Environmental factors, such as natural disasters and climate change, also contribute to population movements as people seek more sustainable living conditions(Geis et al, 2013).

Refugees, in particular, face unique challenges as they seek asylum in other countries. Their status as forced migrants necessitates international protection and assistance. The plight of refugees has sparked debates and policy discussions on how best to address their needs and integrate them into host societies.

Figure 1.

Push and pull factors of migration


As we continue to examine the complexity of migration and refugee movements, it is clear that a holistic approach is required that considers the intersecting factors that drive and shape these population movements. Another very important topic is that by understanding the intricacies of migration and refugee experiences, emphasis should be placed on creating more inclusive and comprehensive policies that meet the needs of immigrants and refugees and also take into account their contributions to host communities.

Key Terms in this Chapter

Bibliometric Analysis: Bibliometric analysis is a scientific computer-assisted review methodology that can identify core research or authors, as well as their relationship, by covering all the publications related to a given topic or field.

Migration: Migration is a complex and multifaceted phenomenon that has been a defining feature of human societies throughout history. It can be broadly defined as the movement of people from one geographical location to another, whether temporary or permanent, voluntary or involuntary.

Refugee: A refugee is a person who has a well-founded fear or apprehension of being persecuted for reasons of religion, nationality, membership of a particular social group or political opinion, who has been forced to leave his/her country and is unable or unwilling to return because of such fear, and whose concerns are considered justified by the country of asylum. According to the UN definition, a refugee is ‘a person who has a well-founded fear of being persecuted for reasons of race, religion, nationality, membership of a particular social group or political opinion and who, having left his/her country, is unable or unwilling to return.’ Refugee status is a legal status. People who leave their country claiming to be refugees but whose application for refugee status has not been finalised are called ‘asylum seekers’. A refugee is a person whose application for asylum has been accepted.[1] Since people whose asylum application has been rejected cannot be qualified as asylum seekers, in order to use the title of asylum seeker, the person must be justified in his/her concerns and fears. These two concepts are often confused and misused in daily life.

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