Migrating Complex Applications From On-Premises to Cloud Interface: Cloud Migration

Migrating Complex Applications From On-Premises to Cloud Interface: Cloud Migration

Lokesh Pawar, Gaurav Bathla
Copyright: © 2021 |Pages: 9
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-7998-5040-3.ch013
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Migrating applications on the cloud storage from the systems physically available on the premises is a difficult task. There are a lot of research articles providing solutions for the current problem of migration of applications by software industry. The chapter is shedding light on how to migrate the application efficiently using mathematical approach. The dependency of migration is directly proportional to the size of the data and the speed of the network. There are a number of storage options available on cloud for easy accessibility, cache-ability, and consistency. This chapter focuses on difficult migration of an application.
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I. Introduction

Cloud Migration is a term utilized for migrating applications on cloud based services. Cloud based services are available in all forms IaaS, SaaS and PaaS. Now a days all sort of industries are switching from their own premises storage to cloud storage for performing day to day routine tasks like Online compilation service, Storage service, Software availability and many more application oriented services are available rather easily available with the help of cloud interface. Although all these application services were already available but with the advent and evolution of cloud based services they are easily available with a better performance. Achieving migration with higher rate of efficiency is a daunting task. There are several approaches to achieve cloud migration easily without losing the performance and efficiency of the already working software and application with the consistency of performance. In near future almost ½ th of the data will be passing through cloud based services. If an organization switches to cloud number of benefits can be availed like Disaster recovery, Security, Lesser Cost etc. Through Testing, we have encountered mistakes and compatibility errors, which we have identified kept a note for future work which we are going to do in migrating applications. Then a migration management framework was proposed for providing the installation automation and configuration validation, which uses templates to simplify the large scale enterprise system installation process and uses policy to validate the configuration and monitor the configuration change (Scandurra, 2015). Why Migration is becoming so prominent in this decade, because it allows new entrepreneurs to invest into business without investing in owing a building hardware software to run the business. No need of purchasing licenses but this depends upon which type of service we are opting out from the 3 available options (Al-Shargabi et al, 2020; Aljawarneh, 2012; Aljawarneh et al, 2017; Chehbi-Gamoura et al, 2018; Esposito et al, 2018; Jaswal et al, 2019; Kalpana et al, 2018; Lizcano et al, 2020; Malhotra et al, 2019; Mohammed et al, 2019; Mouchili et al, 2018; Singh,2011).

Right now we have 3 different scenarios:

  • On premises: If we opt out for this option then we need to purchase the software, all the infrastructure required for Network, servers, operating system etc. The sole responsibility for running all of these software, hardware is of the owner only.

  • Hosted: This is somehow similar to the on-premises approach but it is different as compared to the purchase of the hardware and infrastructure, we need to purchase only the licenses for the software and rent the hardware and infrastructure.

  • Cloud: Need not to purchase anything, we take SaaS from any of the companies available in the market and can easily use the services even without purchasing the licenses. All the responsibilities are of the service provider.

Do not incline towards cloud migration because not all the applications supports efficiently for the cloud migration. Some software are safety critical software, which are not advisable to migrate. Embedded applications are not all benefited from such type of migration. And eventually we find certain application which actually suites the cloud environment so these type of application are highly cloud oriented can be migrated in high spirits of efficient working of the application.


Ii. Migration Approach

A lot of application base from a company can cause problem in migrating complex applications directly to the cloud. A step by step procedure should be followed for migrating applications directly on to the cloud. Cloud Migration without experts help becomes worse and more than 58% business application faces problem when they are migrated from on-premises to private cloud. Almost all giants are providing cloud services, IBM, Amazon and Google.

There are few steps which should be followed in migrating an application:

  • 1.

    Feasibility Study: There should be a feasibility study for migration of the application. In this process, requirement of migration, selection of the provider, the subroutines to be migrated are recognized.

  • 2.

    Execution: Migration actually takes place in this process, all the relevant irrelevant data is extracted modified according to use case, architectures are recovered and the transformation at concrete and conceptual level takes place.

  • 3.

    Evaluation: At this stage deployment testing and validation takes place.

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