Methods to Attract and Retain Talented Employees in Romanian Organizations: A Compared Approach Between X, Y, and Z Generations

Methods to Attract and Retain Talented Employees in Romanian Organizations: A Compared Approach Between X, Y, and Z Generations

Copyright: © 2024 |Pages: 34
DOI: 10.4018/979-8-3693-1938-3.ch016
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Companies to achieve their objectives need talented employees with unique skills and competencies to obtain competitive advantage. The chapter's goal is to analyze the influence of attracting and retaining talents on organizational performance in Romanian companies. There were also investigated the characteristics of the three generations of talents, perceived through these human resources (HR) processes. Using PLS-SEM 4.0, it was determined that all the attraction and retention proposed variables had a positive and direct influence on organizational performance. The most important influential attraction factors are brand and nondiscrimination (4.63), salary and work conditions (4.60), and as retaining factors the offered training programs and good communication (4.73) and working atmosphere (4.70). The three generations were analysed according to attraction and retention variables, and because their scores were different, HR department could build a future guide based on their specificities in order to attract the best talents and to keep them to achieve long run performance.
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It is very difficult to find talented employees, especially in this challenging environment, where change is every step, where social, political, economic, and technological factors are constantly and continuously influencing companies environment. In this talent of war environment, through the best in- class attracting and retaining practices, companies are trying to realize their visions and to succeed through talented employees, and perceived them as an important asset, investing continuously in their development. Employees are perceived now as being the core competencies for companies and to attract, retain, and engage talents is very important in order to obtain sustainable performance (Yildiz et al., 2020). Important for companies is to perceive the talented employees with the adequate skills, knowledge and attitudes as employees who are commercially savvy and smart enough to obtain performance in a dynamic and challenging environment (Mofokeng, 2018). It is important not only to attract the talented employees, but especially to invest in them, retain them and recognize their value (Bostjancic & Slana, 2018).

Talent management is the answer of companies to the challenges braught by the present economy (Stuss, 2020). Talent is an important and strategic resource not only for local development but also for regional economic and social development (Shi et al., 2022). In this global environment, it is evaluated the mobility of talented employees, thus, talent is perceived as a vital resource necessary to achieve sustainable development for any country, and attracting and retaining these talented employees all over the world became the strategic way to increase the country's talent reverse (Wang & Shi, 2023). The term „war of talent” was proposed for the first time by McKinsey in 1998, and since then the specialists analysed it in many studies, theoretical or practical (Liu & Tan, 2022). This known phenomenon about „war of talent” became a key element for organizations as long as they want to be competitive (Luna-Arocas & Danvila-del-Valle, 2022), and the talent assets must be also quantitaive and qualitative (Howaniec et al., 2022). In order to survive and thrive, the companies must base on talents as it became a critical function in the war of talent period (Park et al., 2022). Exceptional talent is not about the person, is about the journey the employee makes through development, innovation, creativity, becoming the best in order to obtain individual and organizational performance, and moving from today into a new tomorrow, by self-orietation, and success (Dinnen & Alder, 2017).

One of the most important factors that require a special attention are talented people who are working in the organization (Sims R.R., 2002). Competitive advantage belongs to those organizations that know how to attract, select, retain and develop talented employees (Bohlander & Snell, 2007). In the XXI century, human resources are the major source through which competitive advantage is obtained and perhaps an important determinant in achieving the organization's long-term performance. Thus, the success of the organization depends on attracting and retaining well-trained people who can respond to changes in the external environment.

Organizations have realized that their success depends on their ability to attract, develop and retain talented staff (Reich R., 2002). People want to make sure they are valued by their employer and learn from these value for themselves. When are valued, people are more confident and will have potential that will lead them to organizational success (Holbeche & Mayo, 2012).

Key Terms in this Chapter

Attraction Techniques: To acquire talented employees is a need for performant organization to enter in the “war of talents” and create a strategic and attractive recruitment ad who must promise exactly with what the company will offer when the candidate become its employee. Thus, the company will ensure it will have a valuable asset in which it can invest, and not to have costs., in order to have a win-win situation, based on trust, commitment, and performance.

Retention Process: Those activities used by the performant organization in order to keep talented employees and gain competitive advantage for long term. These techniques will ensure not only the company survival, but the differentiation, and also the success.

Talented Employees: Those unique employees with unique interests, skills, knowledge, attitudes, experiences which can make the difference between the failure and success of any company.

Generation Z (16-24 Years) Attraction and Retention: Is a special generation, and organizations must develop specific techniques to attract and retain talented employees from this generation. It is considered lazy, based on using new technologies and surprising, thus surprising must be the attraction and retention processes used by the organizations who want to stay competitive over time.

Generation Y (25-39 years) Attraction and Retention: Is a generation based on physical activities but also on virtual ones. It rely on involvement and empowerment, it needs directions and development to be retained for a long run.

Generation X (40-55 Years) Attraction and Retention: This generation is at the core of the company performance; it is based on learning and gaining new knowledge, it is trustworthy, based on commitment, good communication, collaboration face-to-face, communion and because in between 10 and 25 years this generation will be retired, it is necessary the organization to transform some of this staff in coaches or mentors, to help young generations transfer new knowledge and sharing, and developing together.

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