Methodology Oriented to the Sustainable Development Goals in the United Nations Agenda 2030

Methodology Oriented to the Sustainable Development Goals in the United Nations Agenda 2030

Enrique Isaac Garcia Flores, Crishelen Kurezyn Díaz, Damián-Emilio Gibaja-Romero, Yesica Mayett- Moreno
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-7998-9301-1.ch005
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The objective of this document is to analyze all the factors involved in the aspects of sustainable development. As it is a very extensive and relevant topic at present, it seeks to explain in detail from its conception to the central aspect on which it is based the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the United Nations. Similarly, the approach on which the document is based is to mention some of the most developed tools and indexes for measuring sustainability, which are based on the SDGs, and especially to emphasize the social, economic, and environmental benefits obtained by sustainable development globally.
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Throughout history, the word sustainability has had many meanings and connotations, including in the dictionary it is defined as a capacity to remain constant within a certain level. Therefore, it is directly related to economic and human development and environmental preservation (Brand, 2015; Kates, 2015).

For the above, Sánchez Galera (2017) mentions that sustainability is born as an inclusive and flexible concept, in such a way that it is currently the driving force for the creation of international laws for all levels within international organizations, which the body with the greatest presence is the United Nations Organization (ONU, 2019).

Also, according to Brand (2015) Sustainable development has been modified over the years by the United Nations, which has been given a focus primarily on global problems, and secondarily on objectives and strategies that together seek the welfare of humanity.

Similarly, López (2015) mentions that an aspect of great importance is the equity that exists between sustainability and social welfare, because the literature lacks an extensive sense, which prevents awareness and solidarity between the intergenerational overlap of the population, causing that there is no genuine interest in creating a better world, with greater resources and quality of life in the life span of one generation to the next.

Due to current trends, governments and organizations have recognized the importance of creating value through sustainable development, responding especially to social and environmental demands due largely to the media pressure exerted by a society concerned about the future. In the same way the approach of organizations seeks to take advantage of the social and environmental aspects, but focusing on the economic aspect looking for profitability (Rosenberg, 2020).

Also, as a consequence of the current economic conditions, which in most countries are trending towards economic recession, mostly due to the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic, there are scenarios of increased economic stress, short and long term debts, as well as psychological and social effects inherent to the crisis. This is why several nations have sought to create policies and agreements focused on sustainability, which aim to mitigate the economic crisis, and focus on improving the social and environmental aspects that are in decline (Sundaram, 2020).

Consequently, priorities have changed due to the global crisis, and what was previously seen as a recommendation to improve aspects of sustainability is now seen as a necessity. All this due to the level of uncertainty and lack of knowledge about what awaits us in the short and medium term, which is why actions focused on sustainable development are the only thing that can lead to an improvement in global welfare in the long term (Curbelo Pérez & Ziglio, 2020).

Therefore, the UN establishes that despite the efforts that are being made in the implementation and development of the parameters established by the 2030 Agenda, mainly in the most vulnerable regions, and through the economic, political, and social support of member countries as well as NGOs, progress is insufficient. This means that there is a great possibility of non-compliance with the goals established for the 2030 Agenda, which would cause a setback and stagnation for sustainable development, which is why forums, alliances, and programs are established, which with a sense of urgency seek that every day more organizations and members join in order to achieve the goals set. (Naciones Unidas, 2018).

As well as the above referred to nations, there is a great challenge on sustainable development by organizations, because the world is constantly changing and evolving. This creates a priority need on the optimal management of resources, which are largely natural and social, which generates a demand for companies focused on sustainability (International, 2019).

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