Metaverse in Business and Commerce

Metaverse in Business and Commerce

Copyright: © 2024 |Pages: 26
DOI: 10.4018/979-8-3693-5868-9.ch004
(Individual Chapters)
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Incorporating the Metaverse into trade and business represents a paradigm change, changing conventional tactics, and encouraging creative solutions. The Metaverse's revolutionary effects on branding, marketing, and e-commerce are examined in this abstract. It explores the development of virtual worlds, leading to the creation of the Metaverse and its pivotal role in modern trade. E-commerce experiences a tremendous shift in this virtual world, where virtual storefronts, immersive experiences, and 3D product displays boost sales and improve user engagement. Businesses looking to develop distinctive brand experiences have possibilities and problems as marketing and branding strategies adjust to virtual locations. Real-world case studies from the retail, entertainment, and hospitality sectors demonstrate successful Metaverse integration. These case studies provide insights into applications and consequences. Virtual commodities, digital real estate, and innovative monetization strategies are redefining the economic environment and affecting conventional revenue-generating strategies.
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The term “Metaverse” has recently gained significant attention as a complex and multifaceted concept with profound implications for human interaction and business. Coined by Neal Stephenson in his 1992 science fiction novel “Snow Crash,” the Metaverse has evolved from a speculative idea to a distinct and transformative force in technology and commerce (Stephenson, 1992). Advancements in technology have transformed the Metaverse from a mere conceptual space into a dynamic digital universe encompassing virtual and augmented reality, blockchain technology, artificial intelligence, and the 3D web.

This section aims to delve into the intricacies of the Metaverse, particularly exploring its definition, evolutionary trajectory, and overall significance in the landscape of business and commerce. Through a comprehensive review of relevant literature and scholarly works, this section seeks to provide a thorough understanding of the Metaverse, its origins, and the implications it holds for businesses in the contemporary digital era.

Definition of the Metaverse

At its core, the Metaverse refers to a collective virtual shared space that integrates elements of online entertainment, gaming, augmented reality, and virtual reality to create an immersive digital environment. It represents a convergence of various technologies that enable users to interact with each other and computer-generated environments in real time. Key components include virtual reality (VR), augmented reality (AR), blockchain technology, and artificial intelligence (AI) (Damer, 1997; Cai et al., 2020).

While the concept of the Metaverse originated in science fiction, it has transcended its imaginary roots to become a tangible and rapidly developing phenomenon. As Stephenson (1992) envisioned a digital realm where users could interact through avatars, contemporary definitions encompass a broader spectrum, acknowledging the integration of technologies that facilitate seamless, immersive, and interconnected digital experiences (Stephenson, 1992; Castronova, 2005).Comprehending the nuances of the Metaverse requires an examination of its technological foundations and the diverse ways in which it manifests in the digital landscape. This section aims to unravel the complexities of the Metaverse, drawing upon foundational works and contemporary research to provide a nuanced and updated definition.

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