Metals, Polymers, Ceramics, Composites Biomaterials Used in Additive Manufacturing for Biomedical Applications

Metals, Polymers, Ceramics, Composites Biomaterials Used in Additive Manufacturing for Biomedical Applications

Copyright: © 2023 |Pages: 20
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-6684-9224-6.ch008
(Individual Chapters)
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Additive manufacturing, often called 3D printing, is widely employed in all engineering sectors. Many researchers also refer to 3D printing in the biomedical field as bioprinting. Therefore, the 3D bioprinting methods are used to create patient-specific implants or devices for several tissue engineering needs. In addition, this method is also famous for drug design and targeted drug delivery systems. Nowadays, several researchers have involved smart materials with 3D printing to obtain 4D printing for biomedical applications. In this book chapter, the authors provide a quick overview of the many kinds of 3D printing. They also highlight the popular materials utilized in the technology for biomedical applications. Nanoparticles and smart materials, which are employed in biomedical applications, are also briefly explored. This technology's difficulties and future scope are also discussed. This chapter will give the readers a basic understanding of the materials used for 3D printing biomedical devices.
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1. Introduction

Additive manufacturing (AM), often referred to as 3D printing manufacturing technique,has surfaced as a viable advanced fabrication choice for creating complex geometry for application in technology-driven fields, including aerospace (Datta et al., 2020; Barua et al., 2021;Zadpooret al., 2017), automotive (Dämmer et al., 2022), healthcare (Kumar et al., 2022) (Barua et al., 2022), and modern dental science (Sehrawat et al., 2022). AM generates less material waste and scrap than other manufacturing processes like formative and subtractive techniques. In addition, it enables the fabrication of lightweight complex geometry, particularly porous or hollow, needing less energy and material input during production and service. Directed energy deposition, binder jetting, material extrusion, powder bed fusion, material jetting, vat photopolymerization, and sheet lamination are the seven types of AM recognized and specified by the ISO/ASTM 52900 standard [ISO]. However, not every ASTM categorization AM techniques are developed equally and employed for biomedical applications (Bobbert et al., 2017).

Table 1.
Different types of AM process with advantages, disadvantages, resolutions and biomedical applications
AM ProcedureProcess ResolutionMaterialBiomedical ApplicationAdvantagesDisadvantages
Material Jetting20-100 µmPhotopolymer BioinksTissue Engineering, 3D bioprinting.High resolution and cell viabilitySlow
Powder Bed Fusion100-200 µmPowder Ceramics, Thermoplastic materialDental implant, OrthopaedicFast processing without any solventCostly
Sheet Lamination-1mmThin materialsAnatomical model (Macro)Support structure not required, Low costSlow, Maximum material waste occurs
Binder Jetting50-400 µmMetal powder, SandImplantFast, Colour printing, Support structure not required, Low costLess strength
Material Extrusion100-200 µmHydrogel bioinkSoft tissue, scaffold printingLow cost, Open source design, High cell viabilitySlow, Nozzles impart high shear forces on cell
Direct Energy Deposition250-500 µmNylon, MetalLimited useFast procedureExpensive, Post-processing machining required

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