Messaging App Using Flutter

Messaging App Using Flutter

Sreelalitha Talluri, G. Vaishnavi, G. Naidu, D. Shiva
Copyright: © 2023 |Pages: 6
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-6684-8893-5.ch024
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The aim of this project is to build a real-time messaging app using modern technologies. Unlike most chat apps available in the market, the present system will focus on developers and will try to increase their productivity are coding and archive view. The main features of the project are completely open source. The users will be able to dig into the code to learn what happens after the scenes or contribute to the source code. It was therefore within this intent to write pure codes, which could be measured by following the most popular patterns and principles of each language and relevant libraries. The main objective of this project is going to build an application through which Instant mobile app and web applications are used for communication between the users. The applications initiate message sending via internet, making it free of cost for the users. Sending messages can be in the form of a text message or it can be a voice call.
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Literature Survey

Overview of Existing System

The collaboration and communication are the foundation of building a successful work environment and culture. There are an array of ways for team members to communicate, and today's modern professional doesn't want to be inundated with emails. Emails require a title and lengthy paragraphs, and aren't well suited for quick back-and-forth conversations. Team messaging apps simplify business communications.

Drawbacks of existing system:

  • Productivity issues with instant messengers

  • Security issues with instant messengers

  • Ineffective tool for mass communication

  • Problematic system for archiving


Proposed System

The proposed system of a messaging application using flutter is a messaging system that is responsible for transferring data from one application to another so that the applications can focus on data without getting bogged down on data transmission and sharing. Distributed messaging is based on the concept of reliable message queuing. An Internet messaging platform is any system on the Internet that exchanges messages for the purpose of human communications. Messaging platforms are considered one of few key Internet infrastructure elements. Another big benefit of messaging apps is that they can be used to enhance verbal communication with customers. They can be used to quickly provide further clarification or information to prevent a breakdown in communications, thereby offering a major efficiency boost.

Advantages of proposed system:

  • Real-Time Communication

  • Task Management Features & Mobile Apps

  • Eliminate Unproductive Meeting Time

  • Increased Productivity & Easier Project Management

  • File Storage and Sharing

  • Automatic Reporting Features

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