Mental Health in Messages: Unravelling Emotional Patterns Through Advanced Text Analysis

Mental Health in Messages: Unravelling Emotional Patterns Through Advanced Text Analysis

Dwijendra Nath Dwivedi, Ghanashyama Mahanty
DOI: 10.4018/979-8-3693-1910-9.ch009
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In an era dominated by digital communication, textual data offers a treasure of insights into human behaviour and emotions. In today's digitally-driven world, the vast expanse of textual data generated from online interactions serves as a profound indicator of human emotions and behavioural nuances. This research delves deep into the realm of textual sentiment analysis to uncover patterns indicative of mental health states. Through a robust examination of synthetic textual datasets, the study employs advanced techniques to achieve the same. These methods include sentiment analysis, topic modelling, pattern recognition, and emotion detection. By interpreting these digital footprints, this study underscores the potential of textual analysis as a tool not just for understanding, but also for predicting and addressing mental health challenges in digital communication mediums. The findings reveal that digital textual signs can be effective indicators of mental health conditions.
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1. Introduction

The increasing amount of textual data has expanded opportunities for comprehending and examining human emotions and psychological conditions, particularly on social platforms and digital communication channels. Mental stress is commonly defined as the experience of tension and burden. It frequently represents an in equilibrium between the expectations placed on persons and their capacity to handle them. Examining written information to detect signs of psychological strain offers a non-invasive method to recognize, comprehend, and then tackle the various facets of this mental condition. Text mining is a potent method for extracting significant patterns from large quantities of unorganized textual data. Text mining can offer valuable insights into the comprehension of mental stress among students, which may be difficult to acquire using conventional study techniques. Students often articulate their emotions, worries, and day-to-day encounters on social media sites such as Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram. Text mining can examine these posts to detect patterns or terms that signify stress, anxiety, or other mental health issues. Text mining has the potential to revolutionize our understanding and management of mental stress in students and other individuals. By harnessing the diverse textual data that students produce, institutions can obtain a more accurate understanding of their well-being and implement proactive steps to provide assistance for mental health.Text mining is an interdisciplinary field touching natural language processing, data mining and text analytics. It provides a robust framework to extract meaningful information from textual data. This research leans into text mining techniques to generalize insights from textual mental stress data. The aim of the paper is to unveil the underlying themes, patterns and correlations that might be interwoven within the text. The rich and often complex linguistic constructs embedded within textual data can potentially reveal a spectrum of emotional states, stress triggers and coping mechanisms employed by individuals. this research seeks to navigate through the constructs of textual data, unraveling linguistic markers, syntactical patterns and semantic themes that are representative of mental stress.

Table below (table 1)gives an organized summary of the most important events and changes in the field of emotional analysis through text, showing how it has grown from simple text parsing to advanced deep learning and NLP models that can understand complex emotions.

Table 1.
Historical development of emotional patterns through advanced text analysis (Created by Author)
PeriodTime FrameKey DevelopmentsDescription
Early Foundations1950s-1970sMachine Translation, Basic ParsingAt first, work was mostly focused on translating text and doing basic language analysis. Emotional analysis wasn't possible very well.
Rule-Based Systems1980sDevelopment of LIWC, Rule-Based Analysisthe use of LIWC and rule-based methods to look at the emotional, cognitive, and structural parts of text.
Statistical Methods & Machine Learning1990s-2000sLSA, LDA, Early Machine LearningUsing statistical models and early machine learning to find trends in language use and, in a roundabout way, make emotional analysis easier.
Sentiment Analysis & Opinion Mining2000s-2010sSentiment Analysis, Opinion MiningThe rise of sentiment analysis and opinion mining, which look at how people feel about certain things in text.
Deep Learning & Advanced NLP2010s-PresentBERT, GPT, Deep Learning ModelsUsing deep learning and advanced NLP models to better understand sarcasm, context, and complex feelings.
Ethical Considerations & Contextual AnalysisOngoingEthical AI, Contextual SensitivityPay attention to the moral issues, privacy, agreement, AI models' biases, and how important context is in analyzing emotional text.

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