Media Shaped by COVID-19: How Is Media Changing?

Media Shaped by COVID-19: How Is Media Changing?

DOI: 10.4018/979-8-3693-0896-7.ch007
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Over the past decade, the effects of digitization on Turkey's national and local press have significantly increased. In this study, the authors delve into the specific impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on this ongoing digitization process. The research focuses on two prominent daily newspapers in Turkey: Hürriyet and Yeni Asır. To gain valuable insights, the authors conducted in-depth interviews with 14 media professionals. The study's findings revealed a noteworthy shift in public trust, with social media gaining greater confidence as a news source. Additionally, national and local press have radically transformed their reporting practices, influenced by the growing digital landscape. The study highlights the pandemic's differential impact on various media outlets, underlining the emergence of stale content in the industry. This research sheds light on the dynamic interplay between digitization, the COVID-19 pandemic, and Turkey's national and local press. It offers valuable insights into changing public perceptions, reporting practices, and the diverse effects of the pandemic on media content.
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Main Focus Of The Chapter

The study focuses on the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on journalism in the context of the Internet, new communication environments, and the influence of social media on journalistic practices. Moreover, this study delves into the evolution of media organizations in Turkey during the Covid-19 pandemic, focusing on its effects on national and local media.

Key Terms in this Chapter

Local Media: “Local media” refers to media outlets and communication channels that operate at the community, city, or regional level within a specific geographical area. These media organizations serve the interests of a particular local community or region and focus on covering news, events, and issues relevant to that area. Local media can take various forms, including newspapers, radio stations, television channels, online news sites, and community publications.

National Media: The term “national media” refers to the media outlets and communication channels that operate within the boundaries of a specific nation or country. These media organizations, which can include newspapers, television channels, radio stations, websites, and other forms of communication, primarily serve the population of the nation where they are based.

Distance Journalism: “Distance journalism” is a term that is not widely recognized in the field of journalism or media studies. It is not a commonly used or established term in the industry or academic literature. Therefore, there is no specific definition or widely accepted meaning associated with “distance journalism.” However, based on the term itself, one might infer that “distance journalism” could refer to journalism or news reporting conducted remotely or from a distance, often utilizing digital communication technologies.

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