Mechanism for Privacy Preservation in VANETs

Mechanism for Privacy Preservation in VANETs

Brijesh K. Chaurasia, Shekhar Verma, G. S. Tomar
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-4666-0056-0.ch011
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This paper proposes a mechanism for sustaining privacy of a vehicle in a vehicular ad hoc network (VANET) through pseudonym update. In a VANET, vehicles on the road are involved in dissemination of information as they move. An association can be formed between the physical location of the source vehicle and the transmitted messages. This relationship between the physical vehicle and its identity can breach its privacy. In this work, a strategy for optimal pseudonym update for maximizing privacy has been formulated when a vehicle is being observed by adversaries with different capabilities. Results indicate that updating pseudonyms in accordance to the strategy maximizes the privacy of a vehicle in the given situation.
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Problem Description

A link between the personal interests of a user with physical locations of a vehicle can breach the location privacy and reveal the identity. In this mobile broadcast environment, a vehicle’s privacy can be sustained through unobservability (ClauB & Schiffner, 2006). A vehicle would be unobservable if its communication can be distinguished from others in the group. The effective crowd that hides the vehicle is a function of the capabilities of the attacker, the actual size of the crowd and the unlinkability of the messages emanating from the crowd (Gerlach & Guttler, 2007). The size of the crowd is the number of vehicles in the anonymity zone Z. The position of a vehicle cannot be predicted accurately from its transmission (Sampigethaya et al., 2007). To avoid breach of privacy, a vehicle using pseudonyms and continuously updates it. The problem is that even a large pseudonym pool would be depleted quickly if every transmission uses a separate pseudonym. This requires a strategy for update for conservation of this pseudonym pool.

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