Measuring Student Satisfaction Level Regarding Instructional Design and Technical Dimension in Web-Based Distance Education Programs

Measuring Student Satisfaction Level Regarding Instructional Design and Technical Dimension in Web-Based Distance Education Programs

Serhat Koca, Birol Gulnar, Murat Aytas
Copyright: © 2021 |Pages: 18
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-5225-8024-9.ch011
(Individual Chapters)
List Price: $37.50
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Web-based distance education method (WBDE) is used by many private and public education institutions today. Through this educational application, instructors can deliver training content to students or participants from all over the world, synchronously and asynchronously. Within the scope of WBDE applications, trainings are carried out through websites with many different structures and interfaces. In this direction, in the process of conveying the said training method to the recipients, the way the education is provided in terms of instructional design and technical dimension becomes very important for the satisfaction of the recipients. In this context, the measurement of student satisfaction level regarding instructional design and technical dimension in web-based distance education programs has been studied on the example of Spiritual Guidance program. In this direction, it is thought that the study of distance education programs in terms of instructional design and technical dimension will contribute to the researches to be put forward in this direction.
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Conceptual Framework

In this section, the relationship between the web-based distance education programs and the instructional design dimension and the technical dimension in the evaluation of such programs is tried to be explained in a theoretical framework.

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