Measures and Preventions of Cyber Policies in Smart Cities

Measures and Preventions of Cyber Policies in Smart Cities

Dipti Chauhan, Jay Kumar Jain
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-6684-9576-6.ch012
(Individual Chapters)
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Smart cities are gradually becoming a reality rather than a distant vision. Governments, companies, and everyday people are using technology more and more these days to boost productivity at work and at home. On the one hand, smart cities have enacted a number of modifications in an effort with the goal of revolutionizing people's lives. On the other side, while smart cities offer improved quality of life and more convenience, there are also increased hazards to cyber security, including data leaks and malicious cyberattacks. As smart cities are evolving with more connected, as well as enhanced digital infrastructures becoming more sophisticated, these services will become increasingly exposed to cyber intrusions. Cities can only be as strong as their weakest link, and even the tiniest flaws can be used to deadly advantage. Governments must invest more money in cyber security and threat reduction as a result. In this proposed chapter we will be discussing about the measures need to be taken for the development of Smart city and what are the preventions of cyber policies in smart cities.
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The Indian government's daring new project, the Smart Cities Mission, aims to boost economic growth and enhance peoples' quality of life by promoting local development and using technology to provide intelligent outcomes for citizens. A smart city is an urbanized area where several sectors collaborate to produce sustainable results through analysis of contextual real-time information shared among sector-specific information and operational technology systems. In order to boost the city's collective intelligence, it connects the social, business, and physical infrastructures as well as the information technology and information infrastructure (Solanki, Patel, and Doshi, 2019). By 2024, 1.3 billion smart city wide-area network connections are anticipated, according to ABI Research. The cybersecurity infrastructure investment forecast for the same year, according to the same study, was 135 billion dollars. This may seem like a lot of money, but just 44% of it will be spent to protect the transportation, water, health care, energy, and public safety sectors. It's only $59.4 billion, after all. Despite the fact that this is merely an estimate, it is insufficient in light of the importance of those regions. In fact, the ABI Research recommended that the state proclaim municipal cybersecurity's future to be “extremely gloomy”, this can be highly applicable in smart cities where a lot of infrastructure development is taking place.

The Smart Communities Mission aims to promote cities that offer basic infrastructure, a respectable standard of living for its residents, a clean and sustainable environment, and the application of “Smart” Solutions. In order to produce a repeatable model that will serve as a guide for other aspirant cities, the focus is on sustainable and equitable growth. A daring new project is the government's Smart Cities Mission. In order to spur the creation of comparable Smart Cities in other areas and portions of the country, it is aimed to provide models that can be applied both inside and outside the Smart City. A smart city's core infrastructure components would include the following facilities as illustrated in table-1

Table 1.
Infrastructure elements in smart city
Sufficient water supplySanitation, including solid waste managementAffordable housing, especially for the poore-Governance and citizen participation,Safety and security of citizens, especially women, children and the elderly
Electricity supply in all areasEfficient urban mobility and public transportRobust IT connectivity and digitalizationSustainable environmentEducation & Healthcare

A list of Smart Solutions is provided below as an illustration in figure-1. This is not an exhaustive list, and cities are free to add additional applications.

Figure 1.

Smart city solutions


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