Meaningful Learning Didactic Strategies in Higher Education

Meaningful Learning Didactic Strategies in Higher Education

Copyright: © 2023 |Pages: 19
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-6684-6076-4.ch004
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This work aims to analyze and explain the didactic strategies used to achieve meaningful learning. It begins under the assumption that if meaningful learning is created and students are given freedom and confidence, they can find their own answers and develop their knowledge both in the classroom and in practical life. The method used is the analytical-descriptive one of the reviews of the literature of the main authors who have given rise to this approach, its elements, and the didactic strategies used. It is concluded that the design and implementation of didactic strategies focused on meaningful learning with the application of active didactic methodologies and strategies in meaningful learning processes depending on the context in which it takes place obtains better results in the training of professionals.
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Changes in the historical evolutionary process of education are relevant factors that influence the economic, social, political, and environmental development of peoples. In the evolution of educational models, the constant is the characterization of the need to give meaning to values ​​and attitudes that guide the generation and development of ideas, projects, strategies, and programs that allow the reproduction and preservation of the material and social conditions that they facilitate the contemplation and incorporation of the human being to his concrete reality from a comprehensive perspective of inclusive and meaningful learning.

However, the dynamic forms and processes of learning have undergone transformations over time at the service of human development (Apodaca-Orozco, et al. 2017), which, in turn, have led to significant advances in learning, attributing shared responsibilities for the achievement of goals based on the self-care of people and with a clear trend of protagonist recognition of the beneficiaries of these processes (Lillo, 2014). The foregoing has caused that the rote learning of disciplinary concepts with traditional approaches has been exceeded by the expectations that students have, and the demands posed by economic, labor, social, political, cultural reality, etc.

Likewise, the methodological approaches that support the didactic strategies applied in learning have always been under the traditional approaches to teaching as absolute models in university systems, which, to be implemented, repress culture, language, history, traditions, customs, and practices of peoples. These types of learning have not been significant because there is no correspondence with the cultural traits of the peoples (Arnold & Yapita, 2000).

On the other hand, over time, the development of higher education has been perfected in all fields of knowledge, but in health, with the implementation of curricular reforms based on pedagogy and sciences related to education that they are necessary and indispensable to face the paradigms. For example, in meaningful learning different paradigms are presented, since the teacher goes from being the person in charge and protagonist of the students' learning to the one who plans and organizes their process in the form of self-regulation so that the students choose and decide their behavior as promoters. and architects of their own learning (Garrote, et al. 2016). Therefore, through essential changes in study plans and programs, progress is made in achieving curricular flexibility, towards meaningful learning with the incorporation of new ethical values and modern technologies (Vergara, Travieso & Crespo, 2014).

Thus, the different pedagogical and didactic models are relevant to the extent that they promote a vision in which the student is considered the center of active and meaningful learning (Espejo, 2016). In this regard, there are several models of meaningful learning that use creative learning and that define all forms of learning methods that involve students in meaningful teaching-learning processes (Bonwell & Eison, 1991).

In accordance with the above, it is necessary to guarantee significant learning with the results of the experiences that students have and that, in turn, requires their motivations, interests and actions as a subject with its own content, where there is a permanent relationship. with the content of the previous knowledge and the link with the new knowledge of their environment; connected with local problems and global trends, in such a way that opportunities and solutions to problems are identified (Beck, et al. 2015). Recognizing that, part of the meaningful learning experiences is the participation of students in discursive and disciplinary activities instead of being only receptive (Almulla, 2020).

Over the past two decades we have heard an historically unprecedented volume of talk about and praise of democracy, and many governmental, non-governmental, and international organizations have been engaged in democracy promotion. Democracy is a subject that crosses the boundaries in political science, and within my own field of political theory there has been a major revival of democratic theory.

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