Matrix Genetics and Culture

Matrix Genetics and Culture

Sergey Petoukhov, Matthew He
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-60566-124-7.ch012
(Individual Chapters)
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This chapter considers the topic of connections of the genetic code with various fields of culture and with inherited physiological properties which provide existence of these fields. Some examples of such physiological bases for branches of culture are described. These examples are related to linguistics, music, and physiology of color perception. Special attention is paid to connections between the genetic matrices and the system of the Ancient Chinese book “I Ching.” The conception and its arguments are put forward that the famous table of 64 hexagrams of “I Ching” reflects notions of Ancient Chinese about music quint harmony as a universal archetype.
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Introduction And Background

Results of researches of the genetic code are important, first of all, for genetics and biotechnology. However, a high attention to structural properties of the genetic code system is shown by the most different fields of science and culture as well. Many experts think that the genetic code is the bearer of keys to a solution of the phenomenon of life. Many researchers develop the theories and creative designs with taking into account properties and mechanisms of transfer of the hereditary information. For instance, knowledge about inherited properties of physiological systems of perception is important for engineers in the field of ergonomics and mechatronics systems which provide effectiveness, reliability and noise immunity of created machines and tools. This chapter presents some examples of possible applications of the research results, which were described in the previous chapters, in various fields of culture. A connection of the genetic code with musical harmony has been already considered in Chapter 4.

Traditionally experts in various fields of science and culture are interested in studying living matter. Modern computerized technical systems need in reliability and noise-immunity in high extent relevant to “patents” of living nature. First of all, patterns and symbols of the genetic code of the double helix of DNA are utilized widely in many design solutions, art, etc. Creators of many cultural works would like to know theoretical bases, which can provide a physiological increasing of attention from the public to their productions and which can lead them to new effective works on a scientific platform. They believe that the person is a measure of all things (see this topic in (Teilhard de Chardin, 1959)). They need a deep understanding of connections of the genetic code with inherited physiological systems and phenomena.

Inherited physiological bases of linguistics, color perception, music perception, and others are studied in many interesting works (Andrews, 1990; Caglioti, Ramme, & Tscouvileva, 2006; Chomsky, 1980; Darvas, 2007; Hahn, 1989, 1998; Hargittai & Hargittai, 1994; He & Petoukhov, 2007; Jacob, 1974, 1977; Kappraff, 1990, 2000, 2002; Leyton, 1992; Loeb, 1971, 1993; Marcus, 1990, 2007; Nonnenmacher, Losa & Weibel,.1994; Petoukhov, 2001, 2008a; Shubnikov, & Koptsik, 1974; Smith, 1980; Teilhard de Chardin, 1959; Wehr, 1969). It has been known for a long time that various physiological systems have many structural analogies among them and that various branches of culture have many general structural features as well. For example, architecture was interpreted historically as non-movement music, and music was interpreted as dynamic architecture. Matrix genetics give new evidences that many inherited analogies among different physiological systems are based on the genetic code structures.

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