Massive Data Collection Strategies in Digital Marketing: Analyzing Successful Case Studies

Massive Data Collection Strategies in Digital Marketing: Analyzing Successful Case Studies

Francisco Javier S. Lacárcel
Copyright: © 2023 |Pages: 18
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-6684-6454-0.ch004
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The implementation of data collection and analysis actions can improve the effectiveness and decision making on digital marketing strategies. The aim of this research is to find out which digital marketing actions are carried out by some companies and to be able to link them with big data applications directly or indirectly. The methodology of this study is a case study in which the following companies are chosen: Hawkers, Netflix, Marriott, GDV Mobility, Getlife, and Freshly Cosmetic. This chapter confirms the use of some applications based on the extraction, analysis and understanding of large amounts of data to make the best decision in their digital marketing campaigns.
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Innovation in the technology sector has improved marketing strategies internationally (Kannan, 2017). The boost of digital media has facilitated the implementation of advertising actions on the Internet to promote products and services online (Olson et al. 2021). Therefore, communication has undergone a paradigm shift, leaving aside solely conventional methods to bet on new possibilities offered by digital media (Al-azzam & Al-Mizeed, 2021).

The rise of digital marketing has led to a significant increase in investment in social media and digital platforms over the last decade (Kannan, 2017). Businesses can choose their campaign targeting and support and achieve very positive and, in many cases, more cost-effective viewing figures than more traditional media (Shankar et al. 2021; Palos-Sanchez et al., 2019).

Many business owners and entrepreneurs sometimes look to marketers to meet their objectives by seeking a financial return on their digital marketing efforts (Olson, 2021). However, with digital marketing, potential results cannot always be achieved, it depends on various circumstances linked to the company, competition, products or services offered, dates, strategy, etc. (Al-azzam & Al-Mizeed, 2021) (Bala & Verma, 2018; (Ribeiro-Navarrete et al., 2021).

Due to this, it can be stated that digital marketing is not an exact ecosystem, as it is not possible to precisely guarantee a certain number of sales or services sold. However, often the study, analysis and understanding of massive data helps significantly to monetise digital marketing strategies (Bala & Verma, 2018) (Herhausen et al. 2020; Saura et al., 2021).

The main objective of this study is to identify which strategies linked to Big Data can improve and monetise digital marketing strategies. In this research we propose to answer the following investment question: Q1) Which strategies of massive data collection help to increase the effectiveness in the implementation of digital marketing actions?

The structure of the research will be as follows; firstly, the theoretical framework will be carried out in which multiple digital marketing strategies will be discussed; secondly, a literature review will be carried out with the contributions with the highest impact factor according to the journals where they have been published in the Web Of Science database; thirdly, it discusses the success stories of digital marketing strategies used by three multinational companies (Hawkers, Netflix, Marriott, GDV Mobility, Getlife and Freshly Cosmetic); next, it identifies which strategies of analysis and understanding of massive data are used to improve their effectiveness. Finally, there is a conclusion with theoretical and practical implications drawn from this research.

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