Marketing in the Digital Age: Leveraging Technology for Sustainability

Marketing in the Digital Age: Leveraging Technology for Sustainability

Copyright: © 2024 |Pages: 24
DOI: 10.4018/979-8-3693-2346-5.ch013
(Individual Chapters)
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This chapter explores the intersection of marketing and sustainability in the digital era. Given the rising importance of issues and the increasing emphasis on social responsibility, companies are actively exploring ways to incorporate sustainability into their marketing strategies. This chapter offers an overview of the principles and current trends in this field providing useful insights for businesses looking to utilize technology to accomplish their marketing objectives, while also promoting sustainability. The chapter also throws light upon the difficulties linked to incorporating sustainability into marketing research and marketing strategies. The chapter also highlights the value of improvement and innovation as digital technologies advance and present possibilities for sustainable marketing. In total, the discussions in this chapter present a source for businesses aiming to incorporate sustainability into their marketing strategies. It provides an examination of the principles, current developments and obstacles in this field as well as offering practical advice and suggestions on how to use technology to accomplish marketing and sustainability objectives for marketing professionals, corporate executives, and sustainability advocates who want to navigate the changing world of marketing in today's age.
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1. Introduction

The rise of technology, in the era has revolutionized the field of marketing providing avenues for connecting with audiences and enhancing engagement. Yet amidst this change there is a shift towards prioritizing sustainability and incorporating it into marketing approaches. This section delves into the importance of sustainability, in todays marketing realm. How utilizing technology can promote brand achievement while also upholding environmental stewardship.

Sustainability and Its Importance in Marketing in the Digital Age

In today’s era the increasing focus, on sustainability and how it is incorporated into marketing strategies is a concern for organizations. Consumers are becoming more discerning, holding brands for their impact on the environment and society (Richardson et al., 2015). Research conducted by Cone (2017) indicates that 90% of American consumers factor in a company’s dedication to responsibility when making purchasing decisions (Urdea et al., 2021). This trend is especially evident, among Generation Z and millennials who actively seek out and support brands that reflect their values (IBM, 2020). Moreover, regulatory pressures related to resource depletion and carbon emissions are driving businesses to embrace practices (WBCSD, 2022).

Embracing sustainability is more, than talking about it. It involves making commitments and taking action (Tuten, 2022). Luckily in this era we have tools at our disposal to make this happen. For example, big data analytics provide insights into how we use resources and our impact on the environment helping us optimize and reduce waste effectively (Liao & Huang 2021). Social media platforms like Instagram and TikTok allow for campaigns that raise awareness about issues and encourage the use of sustainable products (Saura et al., 2020). Additionally, innovations, in eco packaging design and digital supply chain management systems help cut down on emissions and waste throughout the life cycle of products (Cluley et al., 2019).

Incorporating sustainability, into marketing comes with its set of obstacles. It can be quite challenging to gauge the effectiveness of sustainability efforts (Cluley et al., 2019). Understanding and reaching out to consumer groups necessitates a comprehension of the audience (Alkhatib et al., 2023; IBM, 2020). Additionally maintaining transparency and credibility, in communication is vital to steer clear of allegations of misleading “greenwashing” practices (Cone Research, 2017).

To tackle these obstacles, it is important to work by teaming up with sustainability professionals and non-profit organizations can offer knowledge and trustworthiness (WBCSD, 2022). Sharing environmental performance data openly helps establish trust and transparency, with stakeholders (Liu & Dong 2021). Ultimately ongoing enhancements and creative thinking are crucial as new technologies evolve to promote marketing strategies (IBM, 2020).

Sustainability has become an aspect, not, in marketing but as a key strategy in today’s digital era. Through utilizing technology connecting with consumers genuinely and adapting consistently companies can attain both marketing achievements. Contribute positively to the environment (Tuten, 2022). Embracing this change not guarantees harmony with shifting consumer beliefs and laws. Also sets the stage for a more conscientious and sustainable future, for brands and the Earth.

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