Mapping the Distribution of Tsetse Flies in Eastern Uganda: A Geoinformatics Approach

Mapping the Distribution of Tsetse Flies in Eastern Uganda: A Geoinformatics Approach

Teddy Nakato, O. O. Jegede, Ayanlade Ayansina, V. F. Olaleye, Bolarin Olufemi
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-4666-2038-4.ch058
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This study demonstrates the ability of GIS and Remote Sensing in capturing spatial-temporal data on land use and land cover classes. The nine land cover classes captured were Built-up area, Secondary forests, Savannah, Grasslands, and Shrublands containing herbaceous, Rain-fed shrub crops, Fresh water swamps, Water bodies, and Farmlands. The remote sensed imageries also displayed how the land use and land cover classes changed between 1986 and 2001, while helping to identify the suitability of the land cover classes for tsetse fly habitation. In this paper, the authors demonstrate that GIS and remote sensing coupled with statistical analyses could help immensely in mapping tsetse habitats. Results show that the tsetse fly habitat area in Eastern Uganda has been decreasing with time due to the increase in the Savannah and grassland land cover types and urbanization.
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2. Study Area

Uganda is in latitudes 40.0' North and 10.30' South of the equator, and longitudes 300.0' East and 350.0' East of Greenwich (Figure 1). The greater part of Uganda consists of plateaus which are about 800 to 2,000 m (2,600–6,600 ft) in height. Along the western border, is the Rwenzori Mountains, Margherita Peak reaches a height of 5,109 m (16,762 ft), while on the eastern frontier Mount Elgon rises to 4,321 m (14,178 ft). By contrast, the Western Rift Valley, which runs from north to south through the western half of the country, is below 910 m (3,000 ft). For example, the surface of Lake Edward, Lake George and Lake Albert (L. Mobutu Sese Seko) is about 621 m (2,036 ft). The White Nile has its source in Lake Victoria and as the Victoria Nile, it runs northward through Lake Kyoga and then westward to Lake Albert, from which it emerges as the Albert Nile to resume its northward course to the Sudan. (Advameg, 2007), Uganda has a typically tropical climate with little variation in temperature throughout the year. Distinctive wet and dry seasons characterize the climate of most of the country, except in the semi-arid north east. The country's natural environment provided good grazing for cattle, sheep, and goats, with indigenous breeds dominating most livestock. Smallholder farmers owned about 95 percent of all cattle, although several hundred modern commercial ranches were established during the 1960s and early 1970s in areas that had been cleared of tsetse-fly infestation.

Figure 1.

Map of Uganda showing eastern Uganda


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