Manufacturing, Control, and Automation

Manufacturing, Control, and Automation

Shubhajit Das, Kakoli Roy, Tage Nampi
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-6684-3694-3.ch020
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This chapter identifies the common needs for process controls and automation that include methodologies to enable in-situ-level process controls, optimization at the plant or industry level, open-architecture software tools, adaptive control systems, methods and diagnostic tools for condition-based maintenance of process equipment in a manufacturing industry.
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Manufacturing Process Controls

The conventional approach to process control involves primary equipment’s calibration, crucial process parameters monitoring and final approval of the product. Those approaches mentioned are not capable of recognizing the interdependence of process parameters nor allows any modification or adjustment of the process to optimize yield. Traditional control methods are more like the control system and strategy for relatively simple processes. For modern machine tools, a more sophisticated control strategy was developed called feed forward that can compensate for the dynamic delay in the tools. Such control system can provide immense improvement in machining accuracy.

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