Management and Utilisation of Natural Resources in Special Nature Reserves: A Case Study

Management and Utilisation of Natural Resources in Special Nature Reserves: A Case Study

Božo Drašković, Jovan Zubović, Ivana Domazet
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-4666-4852-4.ch091
(Individual Chapters)
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Special nature reserves are particularly regulated land areas designated for protection and utilization of natural resources at their disposal. In this chapter, the authors present a pioneering attempt to analyze management efficiency and utilization effectiveness of natural resources in protected nature reserves in Serbia based on an empirical research. Moreover, the authors explore the regulations that define the protection, management, and conservation of natural values and goods in Serbia, with a purpose of evaluating opportunities for development and implementation of Environmental Accounting (EA). EA is still at an early stage of development, especially from the standpoint of its incorporation into the developed standard models of company accounting. There still exist several unexplored problems to be solved at the level of national accounts, such as the expression of environmental damage, resource consumption, sustainable use of natural capital, evaluating environmental benefits, and free gifts of nature. The chapter is completed with a case study based on an empirical study in the field of environmental management in one protected area in Serbia, Zasavica.
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Normative Aspects Of The Environment Protection And Natural Values In Serbia

Legal protection of the environment and natural resources is a complex process that must be harmonized with international standards, recommendations and conventions (Drašković, 1998). Normative regulation of environmental protection is being harmonized with the recommendations and directives in European Union. Environmental law is placed in an international legal framework more than other areas of law. It has beenestablished primarily due to the fact that a large number of environmental problems are both regional and global its character. The first aspect of its content and framework in Serbia’s legislation in this area is determined by the membership of Serbia in the UN and relevant regulations embroidered by the acceptance of environmental protection. Especially significant are international aspects of accepting a standard regulations introduced by: the Stockholm Declaration of the United Nations on the Human Environment (United Nations, 1972), the Rio Declaration on Environment and Development(United Nations, 1992),the Aarhus convention (UNECE, 1998), the Convention on biological diversity (UNEP, 1992), etc.

The objects of legal protection of natural resources and values in Serbia are, above all, protection of soil, water, air, forests, flora and fauna and natural diversity in general. Such protection incorporates the regulation which restricts the dynamics of using individual plants and animal species, as well as the control of utilization of certain environmentally hazardous materials.

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