Management and Digitalization Strategy for Transforming Education Sector: An Emerging Gateway Persuaded by COVID-19

Management and Digitalization Strategy for Transforming Education Sector: An Emerging Gateway Persuaded by COVID-19

Esha Jain, Jonika Lamba
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-7998-8587-0.ch004
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The digitalization of the education sector has led to continuous learning that is beneficial for the students as well as teachers despite facing the medical emergency in the country due to the COVID-19 crisis. It was found that the impact of COVID-19 on the transformation of education has both positive and negative outlooks. The negative impact was that all educational organizations/institutions shut down and examinations got postponed or delayed, but nothing stopped totally. It was also found that due to this pandemic, the educational system has taken a new turn and got evolved in an unimagined way. Teachers and faculty members are positively adapting and managing the digitalization strategy for education and make optimum use of digital media. COVID-19 has provided an opportunity for teachers to upgrade their skills and knowledge by joining multidisciplinary courses available online, and it was also found that computer courses taught online were much more effective than theoretical subjects taught via online applications, but lengthy online lectures cause fatigue and boredom.
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Digital transformation is the combination of improved innovation into all regions of a business, in a general sense changing how you work and deliver an enticement to clients. It is moreover a societal transformation that anticipates associations to persistently stir things up, explore, and get settle up with disillusionment. Education is one of the most important sectors in the economy that will decide the future of students in the country. India is moving towards the path of digitalization in every possible sector of the economy and using combinations of information and communication technology to ease the process of digitization such as e-commerce, e-governance, e-media, etc. The life of people has been moving at a fast pace and everyone wants to make optimum use of their time. The use of digital technologies has changed the face of education in our country. The learning of students has increased at a fast pace because they have the flexibility to access the educational materials when they require it. The usage of technology in the education sector has increased the interaction between a teacher and a student because teachers can focus on the weak points of a student with the help of assessment reports generated in online teaching software. Digitalization in education alludes to the utilization of workstations, cell phones, the Internet, programming applications, and different sorts of advanced innovation to show understudies all things considered. Test-taking utilizing a PC, online colleges, digital books, and edutainment are only a couple of instances of digitalization in instruction today. A few instructors and innovation evangelists accept that inevitably, training will be a completely computerized interest strengthened by man-made consciousness and augmented reality. The traditional method of teaching is now replaced with the help of computers, i-pods, mobiles, smartphones, tablets, etc. which have revolutionized the method of learning. With the help of digital learning experts and teachers from the diverse field can come together to a common platform and enrich the students about different cultures and values that are followed across nations this will help the students to grow in every aspect of life. Digital technologies have innovated the way of learning across nations. Information and communication technology have simplified the learning process with the help of online content development and management. There are two aspects of digital education one from the perspective of students and others from the perspective of teachers. The digital technologies have to lead to the emergence of learning online in the present scenario of COVID-19 where it's not possible to take classes physically in the school and colleges premises the information technology application such as Microsoft teams, Zoom classroom, Google teams, etc. have been used for taking classes online. These apps have eased the process of learning and ensure continuity of learning for the students. The learning is now not restricted to the school and college premises, but it is dependent on the accessibility to the internet and information and communication devices. The IT companies have developed software and applications that are used in Schools and Universities now a day to keep the process of learning uninterrupted. More and higher educational institutions are adopting information and technology-driven software to upgrade and keep their students and teachers up abreast of the latest technologies in the world. High profile schools have already shifted to virtual classroom platform they allow students to do their work on laptops and tablets but there are various private and government schools and colleges which still solely depend on physical infrastructure for learning. The objective should be to cope up with the changes in the progression of technology in the field of education.

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