Making Healthcare Decisions: An Evolution

Making Healthcare Decisions: An Evolution

Venkata Tulasiramu Ponnada, Venkata Tulasikrishna Ponnada, Narendra Kumar Rao B., Rama Krishna Raju Sammeta, Hymavathi Jasti
Copyright: © 2024 |Pages: 26
DOI: 10.4018/979-8-3693-2073-0.ch007
(Individual Chapters)
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The landscape of healthcare decision-making has undergone a transformative evolution in recent years, driven by advancements in medical technology, changing patient expectations, and the integration of data-driven approaches. This chapter explores the dynamic shifts in healthcare decision-making processes, examining the multifaceted factors contributing to this evolution. This chapter concludes by highlighting the imperative for a holistic approach to healthcare decision-making evolution, one that integrates technological advancements with ethical principles, patient empowerment, and effective communication. Understanding and navigating these multifaceted dynamics are crucial for stakeholders in healthcare as they seek to optimize decision-making processes for the benefit of individuals and society at large.
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1. Introduction

In the ever-evolving landscape of healthcare, the process of decision-making stands as a testament to the dynamic interplay between medical science, technology, and the intricate fabric of human experiences. This chapter embarks on a comprehensive exploration of the evolutionary journey that healthcare decision-making has traversed over the years. From its humble beginnings rooted in empirical wisdom to the contemporary era of data-driven precision and artificial intelligence, the trajectory of healthcare decisions mirrors the relentless quest for improvement, efficacy, and patient-centered care.

The historical narrative of healthcare decision-making unveils a rich tapestry of practices shaped by cultural, ethical, and scientific influences. Early healers relied on intuition, observation, and the accumulated wisdom of generations. As medical knowledge burgeoned, the dawn of evidence-based medicine marked a paradigm shift, introducing a more systematic approach to decision-making grounded in scientific inquiry.

The pivotal moments in this evolution are marked by transformative technological advancements, such as the advent of medical imaging, genomics, and computational power. These innovations have not only expanded our understanding of diseases but have also empowered healthcare practitioners with unprecedented tools to make informed decisions tailored to individual patients. The integration of artificial intelligence into decision support systems heralds a new era, promising enhanced diagnostics, personalized treatment plans, and the optimization of healthcare resources.

However, with progress comes a complex interplay of challenges. Ethical considerations, patient autonomy, and the responsible use of technology cast intricate shadows on the path of evolution. Balancing the promise of innovation with the imperative of ethical practice becomes a central theme in this narrative, raising critical questions about the responsibilities and accountability of healthcare decision-makers.

Beyond the technological and ethical dimensions, the human element remains paramount. The evolving narrative of healthcare decisions intertwines with the stories of patients, caregivers, and healthcare providers. Cultural shifts toward patient-centered care emphasize shared decision-making, where the voices and values of patients contribute significantly to the decision-making process.

As we embark on this intellectual journey, each chapter within this compilation unfolds a distinct facet of the evolving narrative. From early practices to futuristic perspectives, we scrutinize the mechanisms, challenges, and ethical considerations that have sculpted the intricate mosaic of healthcare decision-making. Through historical reflections, contemporary analyses, and glimpses into the future, we seek to provide a comprehensive understanding of this dynamic evolution. Join us as we navigate through the corridors of medical history, grapple with the complexities of the present, and envision the transformative possibilities that lie ahead in the perpetual evolution of healthcare decision-making.

Following wide-ranging research encompasses conditions like the melanoma, a severe type of skin cancer, as well as psoriasis, a chronic skin condition. Besides these, pneumonia and lung cancer, two major respiratory ailments, have also been a part of this exploration. Navigating through these studies, we realized the untapped potential of these techniques, inspiring us to propose a more comprehensive solution.

Foolproof decision Support System for Melanoma Cancer Detection (FDSSMCD) drives a new end to end patient centric system to detect the melanoma cancer used an efficient CNN to drive the best-in class results (Venkata & Sreenivasu, 2019a).

The Integrated Clinician Decision Support System for Pneumonia and Lung Cancer Detection represents an innovative approach that combines the detection of pneumonia and lung cancer into a unified solution. This system streamlines the diagnosis and provides a singular solution for addressing both lung diseases (Venkata & Sreenivasu, 2019b).

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