Machine Learning and Web Mining: Methods and Applications in Societal Benefit Areas

Machine Learning and Web Mining: Methods and Applications in Societal Benefit Areas

Georgios Lappas
Copyright: © 2010 |Pages: 20
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-60566-982-3.ch080
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This chapter reviews research on machine learning and Web mining methods that are related to areas of social benefit. It shows that machine learning and Web mining methods may provide intelligent Web services of social interest. The chapter reveals a growing interest for using advanced computational methods, such as machine learning and Web mining, for better services to the public, as most research identified in the literature has been conducted during the last years. The chapter objective is to help researchers and academics from different disciplines to understand how Web mining and machine learning methods are applied to Web data. Furthermore it aims to provide the latest developments on research that is related to societal benefit areas.

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