Machine Learning and Virtual Reality: Enabling Safety in Social Media Websites

Machine Learning and Virtual Reality: Enabling Safety in Social Media Websites

Copyright: © 2024 |Pages: 17
DOI: 10.4018/979-8-3693-0855-4.ch020
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The study focuses on data produced by social media users. It applies the El Saddik communication structure between a digital twin and a physical twin to the setting of understanding and personality identification in people. Depending on the requirements, real twins use sensors to mimic their senses of sight, hearing, taste, smell, and touch. Users' posting and liking activities may be tracked in online social networks to get a sense of and an understanding of their personalities. Digital twins should have a deep learning-enhanced controller to act quickly and wisely on behalf of their physical counterparts. The approach combines user content posting and like behavior for personality prediction. Depending on the application, digital twins can be represented virtually as a social humanoid robot or a software element without a physical replica. The status messages uploaded by each user are pooled as a document. The work enhances security by 17.4%.
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Social media (Kaplan & Mazurek, 2018; Mayfield, 2008) refers to digital platforms and technologies that facilitate the creation, sharing, and exchange of user-generated content, ideas, information, and interactions within virtual communities and networks. These platforms enable individuals and organizations to connect, communicate, and engage with each other globally through various forms of multimedia content, such as text, images, videos, and audio.

Social media has become a significant part of modern communication and has implications for personal connections, entertainment, news dissemination, activism, marketing, and more. However, it also raises concerns about privacy, misinformation, and the impact of excessive screen time on mental well-being.

The core features of social media include:

  • 1.

    User Profiles: Users create personal or business profiles that represent their identity, interests, and activities on the platform.

  • 2.

    Content Sharing: Users can share a wide range of content, including posts, photos, videos, links, and more, often with the option to add captions, hashtags, and tags.

  • 3.

    Interactions: Social media platforms allow users to engage with content by liking, commenting, sharing, retweeting, or reacting to posts. This interaction encourages conversations and connections.

  • 4.

    Networking: Users can connect with others by sending friend requests, following profiles, subscribing to channels, or joining groups and communities.

  • 5.

    Real-time Communication: Many platforms offer instant messaging, live chat, and video calling features to facilitate real-time communication between users.

  • 6.

    Discovery and Exploration: Users can explore new ideas, topics, and trends through algorithms that recommend content based on their interests and interactions.

  • 7.

    Collaboration: Social media platforms often provide tools for collaborative work, allowing users to collaborate on projects, documents, and shared content.

  • 8.

    Personalization: Platforms use user data to personalize content and recommendations, enhancing the user experience.

  • 9.

    Broadcasting: Some platforms support live streaming, enabling users to broadcast themselves or events in real time.

  • 10.

    Community Building: Social media fosters the creation of online communities centered around shared interests, hobbies, or affiliations.

  • 11.

    Marketing and Promotion: Businesses and individuals can use social media to promote products, services, events, and ideas to a broad audience.

  • 12.

    Feedback and Insights: Users and businesses can receive feedback and insights from their audience, helping them refine their content and strategies.

Some of the social media websites include

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