Location Based Marketing: Issues and Opportunities in the Real World

Location Based Marketing: Issues and Opportunities in the Real World

Copyright: © 2023 |Pages: 12
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-6684-8177-6.ch004
(Individual Chapters)
List Price: $37.50
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In the contemporary world, where consumers are more fragmented than ever before, marketers are looking for novel and imaginative ways to catch people's attention and connect with these parts. Location-based marketing refers to any programme, service, or advertising effort that makes use of a customer physical location to deliver or enhance a marketing message or product. The objective of this study is to examine the increasingly common practise of marketers and consumers using location-based services, as well as the factors and incentives that influence each group's use of these services. In order to give a greater knowledge of how these applications might improve our lives, a few well-known applications in this subject are also mentioned as examples from the actual world. Finally, a study of the problems surrounding this subject is made, covering a predicted issue in some applications as well as other problems pertaining to customers and businesses.
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Driving Forces For Lbs-Market Forces

Consumers in Europe are ready and willing to pay for location-based services, according to recent market studies (AirFlash, Inc., 2001) According to some suggestive research, mobile subscribers may even think about switching mobile phone providers in order to obtain location-based services and pay up to 16 Euros per month for these services. According to similar market study (9BBB), mobile subscribers in the US would pay up to $50 to have GPS or other location technology included into a cell phone (www.driscoll-wolfe.com/2002). According to these studies, the following are some crucial success factors for the adoption of LBS:

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